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The next day started similarly to the one prior, Namjoon waking the group up, albeit this time, a bit earlier. He wasn't sure how Jimin and Jin were holding up after the night and he didn't want to keep them sleep-deprived any longer than necessary. Groggy and disapproving of the early wake-up call, some more vocal in their complaints than others, the boys walked down the hall to what had now become known among them as 'the watch room'.

Upon entering the room, the group was met by an unexpected, though very endearing, sight. Seokjin was seated by the window, watching through the binoculars, while Jimin had his head lying in the older's lap, the two conversing in low voices, their words slightly slurred, clearly sleep-deprived. Namjoon couldn't help but smile at the sight, despite the worry that was beginning to settle in him at the prospect of what he had made the two endure.

"Hey, Jin's stealing my best friend!" Jungkook, who had only just walked into the room, shouted, making Jimin and Jin jump, Jimin sitting up groggily with a confused frown.

Before any of the two could greet the rest of the group, Taehyung scoffed. "Please. You've been spending all your time sidled up to Hoseok. Oh, but Jimin is just expected to constantly look on and be there when it's convenient, regardless of what he gets in return. Right?"

"Tae!" Jimin exclaimed, shocked, at which Taehyung seemed to realise what he had said, his expression turning equally as shocked, as well as slightly regretful.

"It was a joke," Jungkook mumbled apologetically, turning to Jimin, seemingly to gauge his reaction. The blond reassured him that he had done nothing wrong, that Taehyung must have still been grumpy from being woken up, to which the silver-haired boy agreed, albeit half-heartedly. Jungkook continued to look unsure, while Hoseok watched on in clear discomfort. Jin was still looking between the two, and Yoongi stood by Namjoon, looking apprehensive and slightly confused.

To say that Namjoon was not expecting such tension so early on in the morning would be an understatement and he hoped that this awkward outburst would end up quickly forgotten, if only for the sake of Jimin, who had told him personally not even a full day ago, that he was planning on keeping his distance from the youngest and his blooming relationship, so as to avoid any unwanted attention on the blond and his feelings. Namjoon knew they still had a long time in each other's company and mused that he would like for there to be no grudges formed along the way.

"Right. We're all spending a lot of time with each other and we're all becoming friends in the process and I think I'm not the only one who would like for that to continue. If anyone has any issues with anyone, either confront the other person, or raise the issue with everyone present so we can discuss and solve the problem. Is there a problem that we need to talk about now?" Namjoon spoke, unsure of what answer he wanted to hear, torn between his responsibility as a leader of sorts, and his duties as a friend. If left unspoken about, the tension would likely only continue to build up, and no one ever liked the consequences of that. But if the wrong thing was said during the confrontation, Jimin could be put in a very difficult situation, and he didn't want to think about what that could result in.

Taehyung sighed and said, "No. I'm sorry for what I said, Jungkook. It's not my place to say something like that. And Hoseok, I'm sorry if I offended you or made you uncomfortable."

Both Jungkook and Hoseok said that they'd put the occurrence behind them. As they both shook hands with Taehyung who had extended his hand to them, Namjoon noticed that Jimin had relaxed noticeably, now slouched against Jin's side, his head on the older's shoulder.

"Alright, now that that's settled, Jimin and Jin. You guys want to wash up now or go to sleep straight away?" Namjoon asked.

"I'll go freshen up a bit first," Jimin said quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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