Birthday, Part 1

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To celebrate your favourite writer's birthday I thought I would write what different Alan characters would do to celebrate yours. Also I am celebrating 100 published books!

Severus Snape:

Severus remembers everything which you have said, mentioned or even thought which could help him plan your birthday. Severus is anxious and would worry that you would enjoy it, Severus having very little experience with these types of things, however, he will push past his fears and worries to try and make your birthday memorable. 

Severus will buy you gifts like a book on your favourite subjects in the most beautiful print he can find, something which reminds you of home and your past or he would make you something himself such as a potion or a book made by him.

Severus will make sure that you relax on your birthday, you do so much and this is your day. He will make a big fuss, but try not to show it which is always quite funny as he organises the other teachers to have a little gathering to celebrate your birthday in the evening. In the morning he will join you in whatever you want to do. Do you wish to go on a Zip wire? Severus will stick to his promise and will join you as much as he would avoid it completely normally. 

Colonel Brandon:

Christopher is terribly sweet on your birthday, he will have over the year sussed out what you wished for and arranges your birthday with his servants and your friends to make sure that you have a wonderful birthday.

Christopher would buy gifts like a beautiful painting, commissioned for you from your favourite artist, a signed book by an author you said you liked or even a horse if you wished for one. He has money, as much as he hides the fact he is well off and is always happy to spend it on those he loves such as his wonderful partner. 

Christopher would arrange for you and he to ride out together to a peaceful and secluded place and for you and him to eat your favourite things in the beautiful weather, the wind gently blowing Christopher's golden hair.  For the rest of the day, he will organise a trip to see a play, to see a concert or anything else which you wish to go to.


Hans plans your birthday with precision and tact, wishing to make you smile and to show you how much he loves you. Being as he is, Hans will always try to top last year for you, making each birthday better than the last.

Hans would buy (or steal!) you gifts such as expensive jewellery, tickets to anything you wish or even an expensive car, the price is not an issue for Hans, and even if he did not have the money, I am sure he could find some, it is your birthday after all!

Hans will arrange a stay in a hotel which from there you can explore the city with him, choose extra gifts and go to art galleries and spend time with him. At the end of the day he will take you to a high-end restaurant (after buying you fitting clothing), where you drink and eat delectable dishes.


Sinclair believes your birthday is the most important day of the year, even before Christmas. Therefore he will be thinking about it all year, wishing for the day to be a wonderful day for you, pondering it in his free time. 

Sinclair would buy you gifts which mean something, such as something which reminds you of home, a trip you took with him, something by your favourite artist/singer or tickets to a singer and he will go with you, even if he isn't a fan of the music.

Sinclair on the day will want you to open your presents immediately, a grin on his face as you hold the presents which have been wrapped perfectly. From there the day is up to you, he would have booked a nice rural cafe for you both, however, he can cancel if you do not wish to go. Your labrador boyfriend will take you anywhere you wish to go and will celebrate your birthday however you want to.


There always seems to be that he has a concert on your birthday, and unfortunately, he can never cancel. Therefore he will give you a free ticket if you are not part of the orchestra and will celebrate before and after.

Jamie would buy you gifts such as plants, things to add to your instrument if you have one, a ticket to a concert you wish to go to or a trip abroad. Being a musician which does not pay too much, Jamie would have saved for what he buys you, so it means a lot more that he worked hard for you. 

On the day he would take you out to have a meal in the centre of London and you can wander around if anything takes your fancy he would either buy it or keep it in mind until he has the money for it. The concert is in the evening and after he takes you out for dinner or to a bar, depending on what you want to do.


Alexander manages to skip rehearsals so that you and he could celebrate your birthday together and he will take off his headpiece especially for you to go out.

Alexander would get you a gift such as a poster with all the cast of galaxy quest signed or any other signed merch from films as he has connections with many celebrities, tickets to go abroad when he has a break from acting or tickets to any play you wish to go to.

On your birthday, Alexander will take you out to a play and dinner after (with the actors also if you wish). He wants to make sure that your birthday is memorable, and he uses his connections with actors and the industry so you can meet actors you are fans of or enjoy watching. 

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