Birthday, Part 2

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William (interrogator) always takes leave over your birthday (and he does not get a lot of time to go on leave), in an oppressive regime it is always hard to make a birthday memorable, but he tries his best.

William would buy you a gift such as a collection of your favourite books (he could even with time get banned books), beautiful clothing which fits you really well or even some banned movies which you like, however, he does need to be careful, just in case you or he gets caught. 

On your birthday he will cook you breakfast and you will spend the day inside, nothing really outside which you could actually do. You do anything you enjoy doing like games, movies or the dirty if you wish, whatever you want to do, William will be with you as you both never seem to spend a day together.


Lionel loves showing off, and he will take any chance, including your birthday, like Hans, he will try to make each birthday better than the last which he will use a lot of money to do so.

Lionel would give you gifts such as expensive jewellery, clothing, art or anything else expensive and high end which you would like. He gets you a lot of things and if anything takes your fancy on the day he will get it for you.

On your birthday he will organise a party to celebrate, it is at his large house and he will invite tons of people and get lots of food and alcohol, people include friends and family. By the time the party ends he will make sure the both of you can have dinner which you can celebrate together privately.


Turpin would have listed carefully throughout the year what you may have liked for a gift, taking care to learn what artists and authors you like. Turpin will make sure that your birthday is memorable.

For a gift, Turpin would buy you things like art, tickets to a concert which you would want to go to or expensive jewellery which he thinks would look good on you. When he takes you out into London he will let you pick some things also which he buys.

On the day, Turpin will take you out for breakfast and from there you walk around London, looking at shops. At the end of the day, Turpin will take you home and together you can have dinner and spend time together, which you don't usually get to do as he is usually away at work. 

Obadiah Slope:

Obadiah is quite good at buying gifts, maybe he asks around or he prays for an answer, however, whatever he buys it always seems to be exactly what you wish for and what you want to do.

For a gift, Obadiah would buy you a prayer book, art or even music, even though he is not too fond of church music, being low church. As he is a Chaplin, it will mostly be Christian related gifts, however, he can also buy you other unreligious gifts.

On the day, the church is a must because he is a Chaplin... But after, Obadiah will take you to afternoon tea in a rural cafe and take you out for a walk across the countryside to a nice view spot where you can both sit.


Eli is usually quite busy lecturing, however, he takes a day off for your birthday and spend time with you on the day. Eli will ask you straight what you want to do on your birthday and what you want as a gift.

Eli would gift you things like books on what you study/enjoy, lingerie, other clothes or a holiday with him abroad. 

On your birthday, Eli takes you out for dinner at an expensive restaurant and also for a drive around the city and countryside as you talk and relax in his very expensive and comfortable car. This drive can also allow you to get him to stop and you can go shopping if you wish to.


Elliot manages to take a break from working and being racist and roped his workers into help him plan something for you.

Elliot would give you gifts such as a new gun, clothing or even a new horse if he is feeling generous (which he is on your birthday).

On the day you will have to do some of your duties (as you do live in the middle of nowhere), however, Elliot commands someone else do most of it, especially the ones in the evening. Elliot had planned dinner for you and him and after to have drinks. After that you may go for a walk in the cool evening, however, it depends on the threat level.

Sheriff of Nottingham:

For the sheriff, your birthday is a very important event. It is a way for him to splash some cash and show off both to you and others around him.

George would buy you gifts such as tapestries, books on stories and subjects you enjoy or even a pet like a dog or a horse for your company. 

On your birthday, Geroge would throw a large feast, inviting people you don't even know to celebrate your birthday. It is slightly overwhelming, however, it is full of food, chatter and the people you know are closer up the table with you. Be rest assured that Geroge will make a very big deal out of your birthday. After the feast, you and he will spend time together either going out riding or going to the mass which has prayers for you as George would have commanded that the priest do something for your birthday.

Jesus, this takes a while to write

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