Chapter 29

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Narrator's POV

The space between the two boys still felt tense. Time went racing by like seconds and none of them spoke a single word this time. Hyunjin, the cold look still plastered on his face, will not let himself be like the last two times: confused, scared and hurt.


He will stand up not only for himself...but also for Kristen.

Hyunjin broke the silence, "What I did with Kristen on the camping trip is none of your business. Our confessions didn't happen, just because of the passion between us. We felt a connection with each other. One that we knew in our hearts was there!"

Minho angrily told him, "As if you thought the other one didn't find out that you two are together in those photos!"

Shock impacted Hyunjin's face, not believing that Minho saw the photos of himself and Kristen on that Instagram page.


"I saw it! I saw everything, Hyunjin!" Minho interjected, angry tears forming into his eyes. "You know so well about my love for Kristen...but you didn't accept it right? You just fell head over heels to her and get all of the attention you deserve... meanwhile I was deprived...seeing that look of love of hers to you instead of me!"

Every word Hyunjin listens from Minho...he knows Minho is telling the truth. And it not only angers him also urges him to stand by Kristen no matter what it takes.

Minho shouted at him, "I'm in love with her--"

And that's when Hyunjin gets ticked off by slapping him across the face.


Hyunjin grabbed him by the collar of his uniform jacket, "That's what you just said?!"

"This is over! You heard me right. This is over." Hyunjin angered and whispered, while tears began to form into his eyes as well, "Leave my girlfriend alone. Get away from her because I'm capable of doing anything for her. Now that you just said it...from now and I...are enemies."

Minho, now stricken and shaken, shoved him away from being grabbed by the jacket and ran past him, leaving him behind all alone in the hallway.

Hyunjin knew that he stood up for himself and Kristen..but also couldn't believe that he had hurt his best friend. friend not anymore.

Tears streamed down on his face as if his heart ached with pain. Now distraught...he had no idea what exactly to do right after this hurtful argument.

Little did they both know, Dahyun was watching almost everything. She came to school early so she could talk to one of the teachers, but didn't expect to hear something she didn't want to hear. Wanting to talk to Minho before he has to go to morning rehearsal, she rushes to room so she can.

"Minho! Minho!" Dahyun called out for him, getting his attention.

Yet Minho couldn't look back. Emotions were messing him up badly. He can't stand Hyunjin anymore. His heart began to ache once again, this time his throat began to tie into a knot.

That knot screaming to escape from his throat.

He doesn't want anyone to see him in an emotional devastation like this.

He then ran into the boys' restroom, went to the sink counter and began sobbing uncontrollably. Hot, angry tears began streaming down on his face while crying in pain.

He then looked himself in the mirror; his face stained with tears, the iris of his eyes darkening into pitch black...his suffering slowly turned into a burning anger.

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