Chapter 6: Past.

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Marceline POV

I was pacing restlessly in the living room when the clock struck 3. He should've been here by now.
I was surprised and annoyed at my dedication or hanging up on him. We had just met. I was new. Maybe he was just doing this because Mr. Metcalf said so.

All this was building inside of me and I couldn't think straight. But I had to make a decision about us. About him.

We probably would forget about eachother a month from now so I'm gonna stop thinking about him.  That seemes so much simpler.

If only I knew how wrong I had been.


Harry POV

It was 9:02 am and she still wasn't in class. I don't even know why but I was getting worried. For what reason? That I donot know myself.

Mr. Metcalf came into class and started  taking attendance. Another 15 minutes passed and I knew she wasn't coming.

I was frustrated at myself for caring too much. She probably will have a hot boyfriend by next month and I will be back in my misery, meaning this is just temporary. Just a phase.

But the thing was I didn't want it to be temporary. I wanted something more but I wasn't sure what exactly it was.

I spent rest of the class listening to Mr. Metcalf insulting some kid and him teaching. At the end 20 minutes I decided to text Marceline but realizing I didn't have her number. What a twat!

"Styles!!", Mr. Metcalf shouted at me.

'Yessir.", I replied, calmly.

"Since you're all cosy with the new girl, take this assignment to her place and tell her I want it by Thursday.", He said.

I heard a few people laugh as I took the assignment. Not until after I got out of class did I realize I had to go to her place.  It was a perfect excuse.

Now for her number what I did was pretty stupid but it was worth it.

I could see Marceline's friend, Gina I guess, coming down the hallway. I decided to get her number from her.

"Hi Gina.", I said loudly enough for her to hear.

"Oh hi, Harry right?"  she said.

"Right. Say I was hoping if you would have Marceline's number.", I said when I saw a smile creep up to her face when I realized what I had said.

"For an assignment ofcourse! Mr. Metcalf gave me hers 'cause she's not present today.", I said in hope for reconsideration.

"Oh, Thats nice of you but no sorry I don't.", She said with genuinly.

"Oh okay then see you later. Bye.", I said and started to walk towards the west side of the building.


Marceline POV

The door bell rang around 4 pm. I was in the T.V lounge watching reruns of 'Friends'.

Knowing who it was I got up without checking myself in the mirror and opened the door to the feirce emerald eyes that I had seen the day before.

"Hiya!", He said with a big smile on his face.

"Hi", I said calmly. What is wrong with me?

"Mind if I come in?", He said with a small smile playing on his face.

"Ofcourse!", I said as I stepped aside. He went in through the door by my side and we were standing in the hallway with an awkward silence surrounding us.

"Why weren't you at school today?"  he asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah that, I woke up feeling sick and when my dad checked my temperature, it was hundred and two and there was no way he was letting me out so I had to stay home.", I said.

"Oh How do you feel now?", He asked worry fluttering in his eyes.

Or was it annoyance?

"Im okay now other than this hot weather.", I said, making a fail attempt at jokes.

"Tell me about it.", He laughed in a deep voice which made butterflies dance in my stomach.

Enough with the butterflies, I ordered myself.

"You want something to eat?" I asked, my inner manners finally waking up.

"Naah Im good! Just here's your homework. He wants it on Thursday.", He said with an evil voice.

"But that's a day away!", I whinned.

"I told you he's a total pain in the arse.", He said, laughing.

"This is horrendous.", I groaned.

"Ah well, get used to it.", he said.

"Hmm.", I said.

The awkward silence was peeping around the corner so I decided to against it.

"Yeah well I should better start if I want to maintain an A plus.", I said.

"Yeah good luck! I should get going myself. See you tomorrow?", he said.

"Of course.", I said not as sure as I sounded.

He gave me one last deep look before the door closed with a bang.

What the hell was that?
And who the hell was he?



Holla bbs!!!
hope you like it.

As for the cast :
Madelline Coral as Marceline Bennett.

Harry styles as Harry styles.

Harry styles as Darren Styles.

Luke bilodeau as Chris Bennett.

Hope you like them and if you dont then please give suggestions.

I love you all.xx
follow me on twitter. @// papxrclipstyles.


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