"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I yell out to the crowd of Dradraleians. I turn toward Haela with a huge smile on my face. Her expression, however, does not match mine. She looks shaken, tired and scared. "Haela?" I don't think she hears me. "Haela!" I try again. This time, she peers over at me. I raise my eyebrows, as if asking 'what's wrong?'. She manages a small smile, then looks at the ground. I go over the last week, trying to think what could have possibly brought about my friend's anxiety. Nothing. I glance around, to see if there was anything she would consider frightening. Streamers, fireworks, hats ... nothing here seems alarming. Kazoos, a 'Year 599!' poster.
The answer comes to me quicker than a bullet. Of course, I think. She probably still believed in the legend about the crown and the two countries uniting. I made a mental note to talk to her about it later.
Viễn tưởngThe Crown which once united Dradraley and Warfaiane has been stolen. ----Flash Foreward---- {As a child, Haela was dropped on the doorstep of the Dradraleian castle by her unknown parents. She grew up having dreams, small flashbacks about them. {C...