Chapter 1

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    Centuries ago, when the lands of war turned a fifteen year old boy into a heartless king. A fifteen year old warrior who ruled his kingdom with cruelty and roughness, while his only desire was to rule Hindustan.

    Under the blazing sun, surrounded by his army on the battlefield, fifteen year old Jalal stood victoriously in front of the kneeling man whose head was down in fear and defeat. Shaking and sweating, the defeated commander waited in anticipation of what the king would say.

    "Life or death? Choose." Jalal barked at him.

    "L-life." The man stuttered.

    "I'll spare your life.. Out of generosity." Jalal said as he walked away dismissing, the man.

    The commander lost his only chance of life by hasting to stab the king. The dagger was stopped a few inches away from the king's heart by Jalal's hand.

    "You've made a fatal mistake.. There's no mercy in Jalal's heart. He doesn't even have a heart. Because a warrior with a heart loses everything, and gains nothing but shame and disgrace."

    In a split of a second, a head was thrown, flying across the field, landing a few meters away from the fallen body with blood splattered everywhere.

    "Send the head and the body to his king.." Jalal said menacingly. "Let him see the last look on the face of the commander whom he sent to face me. A look full of horror and defeat."

    "No one dares to challenge me; for I am king Jalaluddin Muhammed." He said turning around leaving his words echoing.

    Fear, it was spread all over Hindustan, while Jalal grew up turning into a strong, intimidating king. It was the only way Jalal ruled by over the years, and the only method Jalal learnt from his guardian and tutor, Bairam Khan.

    Bairam Khan was Jalal's uncle. He was the only father-figure Jalal had after his father's death, the late emperor, Humayun died when Jalal was fourteen. But even then he didn't see his father much as danger surrounded the land due to the problems that Humayun has inherited with the throne.

    Bairam was the one who taught Jalal everything about war and politics, he was the one who taught him how to rule without a heart and how to leave his emotions behind, that it was almost non-existent.

    Life was harsh on the little kid, he had the worst childhood. As the heir of the throne, Jalal was raised away from his mother because of war circumstances. Maham Anga was there to raise him. She was the one who took care of him as long as he remembered. She was the one who fed Jalal her milk instead of her son, Adham Khan. And even protected him more than once from enemies trying to assassinate him throughout his childhood.

    While Jalal was expanding his boarders, the rest of the Rajput kingdoms were arguing, trying to unite to defeat the viscous emperor.

    One of these Rajput kingdoms, was Amer, where a girl was always breaking the rules of her kingdom.

    The girl who was known for her intelligence and kindness besides her beauty, was taught by the best tutors her parents could provide. She was the elder princess of Amer, Jodha Bai.

    In the meantime, Jodha was running out the gates of the castle, desperately reaching an injured falling bird.

    "Jodha! Jodha.. Stop." She kept running and running. Ignoring all the voices, she concentrated on her target and suddenly stopped to catch the bird while it was falling helplessly from the sky before it almost hit the ground.

    "Jodha, don't run like that, again." Her mother, Queen Mainavati, scolded while catching her breath. "You scared us! A princess should never run off like that." Her older brother Bhagwant Das scolded, too.

    "Not you, too. It's an injured bird. I couldn't let it get hurt like that. I must help it." Jodha defended while gently holding the bird between her hands.

    "Moti, come and help here. We need to treat it's wound." She called for her maid and left.

    Moti Bai was not just a maid. She was Jodha's childhood best friend and was there for her in the thin and the thick. They even vowed to be there for each other no matter what.


    Meanwhile, Mainavati was engrossed in the planning of Jodha's birthday. The whole castle was preparing for the celebration. Servants and maids were all busy, doing there work to make sure that everything was in place for tomorrow's festival.

    "Mainavati." The king, Jodha's father called. Trying to gain his wife's attention, while taking everything in. The king looked rather preplexed by the bustle surrounding him.

    "Mainavati. Don't you think this is a little extravagant?" He said frowning.

    Mainavati stopped talking to the maid and looked at Bharmal. "Don't say that. It's not like we can celebrate our daughter's birthday everyday." Mainavati said brushing it off.

    "I want tomorrow to be more special than before. Jodha has grown up and soon she will get married, and we can't celebrate it like again." She said tearing up a little.

    "Enough with the talking. I have so much to do." She retorted collecting the flowers from the maid.

    "As you wish, but don't get carried away with everything. Let the maids help you."
Bharmal replied with a worried face.

    "Alright. I will." She said with a warm smile gracing her lips.


Soo, done with the first chapter. Just to make things clear for the pronunciation of the names. In this book Jodha is pronounced Jo-da with silent h. Bhagwant das is Bag-wanddas and sometimes it will be just Bag-want without das. As for Mainavati is Mina-vaty, Bharmal is Bar-mal.

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