Chapter 2

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    In the next morning, everyone was up for their work. While in her chamber, was Jodha, standing in front of her mirror trying the jewellery, getting ready for her birthday's rituals.

    She was putting her last touches, when her sister entered her room.

    "Oh!" Sukanya said startled by what she saw.

    "Mum! Mum! Look."
    "What? What happened, dear?" The queen asked when she entered the room.

    "Look! Look what your dearest daughter has done."

    At that Jodha turned from the mirror, confused.

    "What do you mean?"

    "Look! She is wearing my jewellery that I chose to wear today."

    "Oh, those?" Jodha said touching the earrings she was wearing.

    "There, I will take it off." She said unclasping the jewellery from her ears.

    "Don't. I won't wear them after you did." Sukanya said crossing her hands on in front of her chest, pouting.

    "Sukanya, they were beside my clothes. So I thought they were mine." Jodha pointed.

    Sukanya was about to reply when her mother interrupted.

    "Sukanya, don't forget, today's Jodha's birthday. Don't upset her." She said in her motherly voice.

    "Mum, you're always like that. She takes everything that belongs to me, just because she's older than me." She whined." It's because I am younger."

    "Not because you're just younger." Jodha interrupted. "It's because you're a stranger, too." She said in lower volume.

    "The truth is... We found you stranded in front of the castle gates. So, there's a big difference between you and me." She said seriously, looking at Sukanya right in her eyes.

    Sukanya stood there, with a shocked expression on her face, surprised of what she just heard.

    Jodha smiled playfully at her mother. "What mother? Isn't it the truth?" She said moving her eyebrows mischievously. Then, Jodha and her mother bursted out in laughter at Sukanya's reaction to the prank.

    "Humph." Sukanya huffed in annoyance of her being fooled easily by her sister.

    "You know what. I'm not listening to you anymore. You are always on her side." She blamed her mum.

    "Alright. Promise I am going to get a pair of jewellery, more beautiful. Hmm?" Mainavati said pinching her daughter's cheeks. "Come on. Hurry and get ready for the celebration." She said, walking out of the room.

    "I pray to god to get you married soon.  That's the only way to get rid of you. So, I can take a break from you." Sukanya exclaimed.

    "Yeah. Mutual feeling." Jodha said.

    "And I really wish that you'll not marry a warrior but a really fat man with huge belly and to add to it, he will be imbecile and stupid." Sukanya said happily clapping her hands in the end as if imaging him in front of her.

    "As for your husband, he will be a bald, toothless old man, as thin as a stick." Jodha said pulling her tongue out.

    "Arghh." Sukanya was shaking in anger.

    "I hope that the Mughal army kidnap you, and never give you back."

    At that Jodha stared at Sukanya in shock and horror. As how dare she say something like that. Jodha can't even wish that for her enemies.

    "Sukanya, careful what you wish for." Jodha warned.

    Sukanya kept her eyes on the ground then left the room, leaving Jodha looking behind, lost in thought.


    There in the castle gardens, was a very big golden balance, embroided with the most expensive gemstones, with flowers covering its arms. Surrounding the balance, was all the guests including the royal family, waiting for the balance rituals to begin.

    There sat on one pan was the princess, waiting for the everyone to put the amount of gold they want to donate on the other pan.

    First, was the King, who put a very generous amount of gold on the pan. Then, came everyone of her brothers and the other guests, till she was weighed in gold. But still the gold's weight was not enough.

    "No wonder. You were eating so much. You are gaining fat." Her sister-in-law said, laughing. Judha narrowed her eyes at her, but couldn't contain her laughter and joined her in.

Then for last donator, was her cousin and childhood best friend, Sujamal.

    He neared the balance, holding a large book in his hand, as thick as a brick.
    "I didn't want Judha to be weighed in just gold and jewellery, I want her to be weighed in knowledge, too. So, I had this book especially made in gold." Sujamal said flipping the book to show its title.

    "Prithviraj Raso." Judha looked at her cousin with admiration. He put the book in the pan, and that was what it needed for the pan of gold to touch the ground and for Judha's pan to rise, as she gasped in  amazement.

    She was put down, and then went to Sujamal. "I want to read the book before it gets donated." She told Sujamal. "I would never understand why you love books more than gold and jewellery." He thought. "And  why is that? The most powerful kings and rulers love books. And you don't know how much I've been waiting to read this book."

    "I can see that in your eyes." Sujamal said. " I only wish you happiness and a life full of blessings." He patted her on her head. "You, too, brother."

    "I don't know about that. I am still waiting for uncle's decision. I hope he'll make the right choice." Sujamal said, looking at the ground.

    "Don't worry, brother. You're the most suitable heir for the throne. Father will choose you." Jodha reassured Sujamal. And the two cousins smiled at each other.


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