chapter 1

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Today was a good day! A perfect day! At least, these were the things you told yourself. And, when you had your best friends at your side, it was true! Two years ago, when you had met Venti, he really had encouraged you to open up. Let go. And so you did! He didn't seem too happy when you told him about all your friends over a sticky honey roast, but was supportive nonetheless. You also learned he really likes freedom! Like, a lot. And singing! Songs about freedom. Somewhat repetitive, but enjoyable. This was the routine you had. This was the routine you enjoyed. Talk to Venti, meet someone else, tell Venti about it, eat a honey roast with Venti, listen to Venti sing, go to Windrise with Venti. This was it. Your Venti routine. Of course, Lisa and Master Diluc were there, but neither were as involved as Venti. Which you didn't mind. Venti told you it was okay, and you believed him. He wouldn't lie to you! And so, ready to begin your Venti Routine, you set off.

Today was a bit different from usual. You had recently joined the Adventurers Guild, and in an effort to raise yourself in the ranks, asked a nun named Rosaria for spear lessons. Lisa had directed you to her, and now every Thursday and Sunday , you met up for lessons and then went for drinks at the Angels Share. You weren't a big fan of wine, but a 'death after noon' really hits the spot after a long day. You'd have to thank Kaeya for the suggestion. Looking up to the sky, you took notice of the time. The sun was at mid-level, blaring bright over the city. The distant sound of Wagner's hammer rang bright, and dew from the previous night shimmered on the rooftops. Only a few more hours until your meeting with Rosaria.

The perfect amount of time for Venti to slide in.

"S/O!" He called, dashing up to you with open arms. He always had the biggest smile when seeing you, and the best hugs. You couldn't help but share his joy as you wrapped him up in a warm embrace. "Ha ha! Hey, Venti!!" Venti pulled away from you, eyes sparkling. "I have a surprise for you!" Your heart flipped a little with excitement. "W..what surprise?" He summoned a mischievous look. "You'll see~" Hands reaching out for yours, Venti led you out Mondstadts gates and towards Windrise.

The massive tree sat behind an elegant statue, somewhat worn away by time. It radiated an elemental energy, and you couldn't help but feel a slight bit of jealousy towards the vision wielders, for their connections to the statues and the roots of this world. Venti gave you a happy look, noticing your awe, and led you further away from the tree. "Venti...!" He smirked at you, still tugging you along in a run. "Just because you haven't been past here before, doesn't mean we can't try again!~" You felt a slight inch of hope flutter in your chest. You had never been past Windrise before, the wind and rain whipping across your face every time you dare try and set foot past Mondstadt. And who would want to go running around in that weather? Not you, of course. You were quite happy with your timid life in the small city. But today there was no wind, nor rain. Just a warm and humid breeze, heavy with the scent of dandelions and other sweet things. Your eyes widened as Venti took you down a path you'd never seen before, to a wind current unfamiliar to you. "Glider out!" You obeyed, releasing his hand and opening your glider. The current carried you up, and your view stretched out across plains you couldn't recognize. The beauty of it was overwhelming. "Oh, Venti..." He grinned at you, floating besides you on a glider of his own. "But that's not all.." You zoned out, the rest of his words unfamiliar. As amazing as this was, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. All those times you tried to see this before, Venti had not been there. Or, not holding your hand, at least. Why has the weather suddenly changed now? What was different? As the wind current slowed, and your feet touched the ground, Venti's voice finally returned to you. "Reach into your pocket!" You stared at him. "Huh?" "Just do it, S/O! Trust me." Not knowing what was going on, you reached into your pocket. Your hand clasped around an unfamiliar object. A vision. You drew it out to observe. It was a hydro vision. Anger flashed in Venti's face, before leaving. This was not what he planned.

You stared at him, eyes round with shock.

"It was... a hunch?"

NOTE: hydro visions are often to those with strong judgement, i wonder why you suddenly got one at the moment you began questioning your circumstances ;)

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