1 - Fifth year

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September 1st - Fifth year!!

There was a sudden, harsh knocking at the door.

"Oi, come on, Charlie, we have to go!" James yelled, the pounding on the door resuming.

Charlie looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. The tan, tall, muscular reflection of the girl staring back at herself. Her brown hair down to her mid back, her green eyes glistening in the light, freckles speckled across her face, and her muscular frame. She carved herself. And after much dedication, her body was supposed to be something that she likes. Being honest, she prefers her brain more.

Charlie Potter had been the top student in many exams, barely beating Remus Lupin or Lily Evans. Most gifted at Charms and Transfiguration, the girl was liked by many professors and envied by many struggling students. While she enjoyed causing trouble, she was extremely dedicated and lively. Though she had yet to beat Lily Evans and Remus Lupin, it is a constant motivator for herself.

She is truly her worst enemy in the worst way possible. After craving her mother's validation, she moved to herself. Charlie was never happy with the mark she got or how well she performed. She beat herself, constantly racing with her own mind and body until she became happy with herself. If she ran a mile one day, she would run 2 the next. If she got third in the class, she would get first next. It was a race with herself and it was one she would never win.

After smiling to herself in the mirror, attempting to mentally preparing herself for her fifth year at Hogwarts, she walked out of the door and was greeted with her brother waiting patiently across from the bathroom.

Much like his twin, James Potter was a boy of average height, though he disliked that statement; He was a god at quidditch— looked like one too with his perfect brown curls, veiny wrists and hands, hidden muscles. He has never liked to wear anything revealing his torso but will take every opportunity to walk around shirtless. He is backwards, that one. He is kind, generous, caring; he cares more about his friends and family than his own well being. He resembles his mother in his caring behavior and his father in the physical sense.

James had been one of the best chasers Hogwarts has seen for the last four years. He scored hundreds of points for Gryffindor— he would most likely get a trophy in the case that Flitwick always made them clean for detention. This was the most important part of his life: quidditch. Ever since he was a child he would fly on his broom. He was only slightly better than Charlie.

James was smart and talented at charms, but he lacked the discipline that his sister and true love showed. He is one of the smartest boys in their year but failed to turn in essays or assignments when he felt like causing his marks to drop and detentions to rise. Though he always got an acceptable, not allowing himself to get anything worse due to his getting quidditch captain this year.

He looked up at her with a crooked smile. "All right?" He asked and forced himself off the wall.

She nodded and took a deep breath. "Fine, just anxious is all." Charlie said with a small smile as they began walking to the lounge.

The Potter estate was one of fairy tales. It was much like an English Country Mansion, and the twins simply adored it. It had three stories. The first one housed the lounge, kitchen, other lounge, the two main doors, etc; the second was more interesting because one-third of it was a huge library and the rest was studies; the third was all personal rooms. They also had a basement they loved and an attic for storage.

Their grounds were vast and green and lined by forest. The house-elf, Nimble, had her own home by the house and near the guest house. There was a bonfire pit in the center and a hand-made treehouse not far into the woods. Further into the forest, by the end of their property line, was an old barn that they almost always forgot about. But they loved their home, truly.

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