" Just a prank "

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This story was requested by DreamSMPPogchampp

Warnings:  Panic Attack, kidnapping, swearing 

Story type: Angst- platonic Fluff? 

Base line:   Something something panic attack- Ima make you figure it out yourself :) 

Editing author here- Yeah the first part of this if you read it out loud sounds like a cringy ten year olds x reader fan fic so I'm so sorry about that


y/n's Pov ——

The sun was slowly starting to set as the evening air Flowed throughout the house. Slowly shifting my leg into a more comfortable position I looked back down at the drawing pad in front of me, Switching my gaze to the unfinished scenes on the computer over on my desk, Which was hooked up to the pad for editing reasons. Letting Out a deep Sigh I let my thoughts consume me as my hand drifted back to the screen. Suddenly a loud scream Echos the hall Knocking me out of the Trance. 

" Dream? " I call out. No response. 

" Dream? " I call out again in Hopes of his voice 

shifting my legs now to the side of the bed ready to stand up I hear loud banging coming from the living room. 


Slowly my legs move back and forth- right left right left right left. A slow breathing came out of my mouth as the hallway leaned closer and closer to the main living room. 

The loud bangs became more clear and defiantly more scary- just then A small cold object grazed my hand.  I look over to see what was their, jumping back a bit from the sudden interaction. My eyes lit up at the metal weapon, something to defend myself would come in handy- I grab the base- my palm gripping on the lactic plastic bottom grips keeping my hand firm in place. Slowly I lurk towards the door where the banging continued. The sudden feeling of danger rising in my chest made my actions come at a slower pace. I didn't realize I was shaking as hard as I was when The bat hit my leg giving way to a loud scream emerging from my mouth as My arm tossed the bat as far as it would go. Jumping backward and not thinking my back was now pressing against the front door. Taking in a sharp breath a small stab in my back. At this point I couldn't hear my self scream- Loud voices were yelling all over, I couldn't see where I was going. Soft fabric draped itself over my shoulders as I started to flair around, screaming louder in hope of rescue from my new found kidnappers.  

Then something unexpected happened......

( Quick warning- I suck at writing platonic fluff apparently so this next party seem a little romantic but please be assured that was not my intention this was ment to be friendly as it's what my/ I do when each other go into panic attacks/ have a breakdown so I am going off of that experience. Im sorry for the inconvenience  ) 

I look around to see I was still in my house. More unusual thing was I wasn't in the living room, or at least what I though was the living room? 

Moving by my head away from the shelf it was originally positioned at feel someone's arms wrapped around my waist keeping me from falling off the chair. Letting out a small sharp breath I feel the figure move a bit, only to realize I was sitting on their lap. letting out a more audible breath I try to move as quickly away from said person as fast as possible- But they proved quicker. 

 A slightly rough voice, no, a granular voice came out of the captors mouth, " Aww- Did sleeping beauty finally awaken from their slumber? "


Ok- Ima have to split this into two parts, then next one will be released later today or tomorrow depending on how long it takes for me to finish math + science homework :/ 

And umm- If anyone reading this has read old yeller could I get a half detailed summery in the comments? I have an essay due tomorrow and I still haven't gotten past chapter 1, I'll repay you some how and this is deeply appreciated 

Sorry for the long wait/ inactivity as well ;-; 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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