Meeting Y/n

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Warnings: this chapter got very lazy halfway through so read at your own risk.

Edit:  none ( Sorry a lot of the grammar and spelling is wrong )

3rd person pov:

Dream and y/n were just chilling on the couch. y/n was working on her piece of an animation collaboration while Dream was scrolling through twitter on his phone.

" That looks nice" dream complemented as he peered over your shoulder.

" Thanks I guess, the frame rate is off and I have to redraw this scene because I put it on the wrong layer. ( anyone else?)" y/n replied

" How do you keep up with that, don't you just draw a picture then move it around?"

" Dream you have a lot to learn about animating" said y/n

" Well I make youtube videos not draw all day" Dream rolled his eyes, " Why don't you take a break you've been at that all day, besides it's nice outside and I want to go do something."

" Fine where do you want to go? " y/n asked

Dream shot up from the couch, " The beach!"

y/n rolled her eyes, " you are such a child"

" I play minecraft for a living what did you expect" Dream protest

" Go get ready"

" YAY" and with that dream bolted off to get ready. Y/n was younger than dream but was always the one watching him to make sure he didn't get in trouble. She helped in the background with his videos and streams. She wouldn't call herself quit but somehow know one knows y/n exists.

She looked back down at her ipad and sighed.

" Many dreams are right and I do need a break.The weathers nice and he seemed so excited to go." y/n mumbled to herself as she got up and walked into her room to change.

Time skip

Dream was standing by the door holding a bag with some beach stuff in it as y/n walked out. They were wearing a two piece swimsuit under a slightly oversized harry potter hoodie, and shorts.

" Are you ready to go?" y/n asked as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. ( If you have short hair ignore that )

" Yup and I got everything we need" Dream said

y/n gave him the look as if questioning him if he really got everything they needed.

" Beach towels"

" check"

" Sunscreen"

" yup"

" Water bottles"

" Why would we need those?"

" Because it's hot outside and we don't want to be dehydrated" y/n said

" Fine i'll get water"

" Thank you dream"

y/n continued naming thing out, " Can we leave yet" Dream whined

Time skip at the beach

" Finallly" dream said as he stepped out of the car looking out on the glistering ocean. y/n chuckled and joined him staring out at the ocean.

" Race you to the beach" y/n said with a grimacing look on their face.

" Oh your own" dream said taking an early lead. You ran as fast as you could trying to catch up. By the time you hit the sea line, the dream was already waiting there.

" Took you long enough" he said

" well at least I don't need a lead off to win, " y/n said in retaliation. " Come on lets get set up im tired"

The two of them pulled out a small blanket. y/n say town and watched as dream went off to play in the waves.

Dreams younger sister ( Oneshot book ) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now