another a/n + oneshot

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Yeah this is a oneshot book lol. But really thankyou for all the cool comments, they make me motivated to write. And regarding the info on your character I might have made it to straight so ima change that so y/n really is y/n instead of an oc like character Also happy halloween, this request is from Luckydrawing,   Sorry if this isn't what they had in mind exactly


Dream was away for the Halloween weekend with his friends. He promised to make it up to you once he got back but you didn't mind.    

 You had went to the store the night before and bought a big verity bag of candy. you munched on that and watched the nightmare before Christmas. Mid way through the movie you had a funny idea in your head. Dream had left his Pc unlocked before he left and you decided to tweet something funny. You quickly logged on feeling anxious for what dream would do once he found out you went on his Pc without permission.  You quickly opened twitter and types out a short but kind tweet.            


Dream @dreamwastaken tweeted  12:02

 Happy Halloween guys, also watch out for the spooky ghosts   


Tommy @tommyinit

Who are you and what did you do to dream?

Tubbo @tubbo

Happy halloween 🎃

User 1 @user1


user2 @user2

Who are you, happy halloween, and were is the real dream

Dreamstan1 @dreamstan1

Give us dream back you idiot. Dream would never say that unless he is being sarcastic. dont be mean and just let dream post ok :/ 

  Y/n giggled at the first couple replies but some dream stans were getting protective. 


Dre :D

Dont let the stans get to you


                                                                                                                                 Got it chief 

Dre :D

Also get of my Pc                  



Sorry for the really bad oneshot Im busy working on my other book. But I promise I will start updating again soon



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