~ Je T'aime ~

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'Je t'aime'

house- 🐍
Year- 5
Blood- *doesn't matter*

*Sorry if that isn't your house*


"Just go out there and do it. He likes you too, you know"
Daphne nudged me from our dorm forward towards the black loveseat in front of the fireplace where HE was sitting in the common room.

Him and I have always been best friends since we could even know what friendship was. His mother used to bring him to our manor every Sunday. While our mums enjoyed their evening tea, we used to play hide and seek in my garden. It's always been like that never anything more, always his obnoxious arse teasing me always (not like that get your head out of the gutter) while i got mad at him for it and then swearing he'd never do it again but ending up doing the same anyways.

I don't know when I started to feel like this, this weird feeling in my stomach every time i look into those piercing grey eyes, the sparks i felt when our hands would slightly touch when we walked side by side. Him irritating me by poking my arms during classes asking me to bunk which I'd refuse normally but this, this was far for normal, this felt special. Running through the empty hallways, laughing and racing each other.

After months and months of denial Daphne finally convinced me that I liked him and deep down i knew i did i just didn't want to admit it, maybe i was too afraid to get heartbroken.

"I don't know Daph. How can you probably assume that? what if he likes someone else?...He definitely just sees me as a best friend and nothing more."
I reasoned with her but seeing as how stubborn my best friend is she wasn't gonna let this go easily.

"Ughh...merlin you're such a pillock" "HEY-"
"okay okay calm down but he DOES like you"
"How are you so sure of it?"
"Well Theo told me"
"Don't lie Theo would never out his best mate like that"

"well what can i say...i have my ways" she mumbled suddenly finding her nails more important and looking unbothered.

"Merlin I really didn't need to know that" I expressed with a pure look of disgust on my face.

"Well go ahead and do it... its now or never." She demanded. "Me and pans will keep Blaise and Theo out of the common room to give you both some privacy" wiggling her eyebrows at me, she turned around and strutted out of the common room leaving Draco and me alone.

You can do this y/n, to hell with him if he doesn't feel the same, his own lost really.

I slowly made my way towards where he was sitting, his face glowing with a green hue from the fireplace that was illuminating the whole common room. His hair resting messily over his forehead. The top two buttons of his white shirt undone while his tie was hanging loosely. His robes thrown beside him on the sofa and his eyes, his eerily serene grey eyes so deep that it's impossible to escape, looking straight into mine...Wait a min-

"Y/n..Y/n are you alright?" His soft voice took me out of my daydream.

"huh...? Ohh no no no everything's fine" my cheeks turned crimson red with embarrassment.

If you consider slowly dying inside on the possibility of you not liking me back and embarassing myself, fine, then why not. Merlin This was such a bad idea.

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