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Lizzy groaned as she heard a loud thump, followed by a muttered curse. She slowly opened her eyes, only to squint at the white rays of sunlight coming in through the thin, white curtains. Once her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she spotted Marina, putting a hand to her forehead, groaning in apparent pain. What...?

"Shit, I always forget that bloody shelf is there... Ow... I'm so stupid," The brunette grumpily murmured to herself before exiting the room. After a few moments of comfortable silence, Lizzy yawned a little before getting into a sitting position. She ran her fingers through her messy, long hair. Stretching her limbs and yawning, she got off the bed and winced when her feet touched the cold floor.

As she walked to the kitchen, she heard someone singing. The voice was low, but what she could hear was beautiful. Almost angelic. Peering her head around the corner, hazel eyes scanned the apartment for the source of the sound. The TV was off and she could not see any other possible places the voice could be coming from in the living room. As she listened closer, she noted that the sound was coming from the kitchen.

What is that? The auburnette stood near the entrance of the kitchen, and spotted Marina busy with something on the stove. The brunette put a hand to her chest as she sang and hummed softly. Wait... Is Marina singing? She's.... really good. Lizzy couldn't help the small pang of envy she felt. She called out to her hesitantly. "Marina?"

Said young woman jerked sharply and yelped, startled. It all resulted in her forehead colliding with the cabinet in front of her, and she immediately put both hands to her forehead as she started to feel a sharp pain.

"Fuck! Again!? My forehead is really taking a beating today, ow... I think it's bleeding a bit..."

Elizabeth immefiately rushed over, babbling apologies. "Oh my god, Marina, I'm so, so sorry! Are you okay?" Lizzy gently removed Marina's hands and examined the wound. "Shit, it's bleeding, but just a bit. I'm so sorr-"

"Liz, chill out," The brunette held the others hands and looked into her eyes. "I'm fine. It just hurts a little, that's all. Honestly, it's not even your fault, I'm just really clumsy."

"But... but if I hadn't-"

"It's okay, Liz. Really." Marina smiled, brown eyes twinkling. "Lemme just get the first aid kit."

Elizabeth stopped her, shaking her head. "I'll do it. It's the least I can do. Besides, weren't you cooking or something...?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, shit, the pancakes!"


"Yeah I- Oh I didn't even ask if you like pancakes."

"Marina you really didn't have to... I um, I mean I definitely appreciate it but I was gonna leave as soon as I got up and got ready to go back to my place." Richard's probably really mad.. Wait, why do I still care about how he feels? He definitely didn't care when he cheated on me. That bitter feeling she felt yesterday night came back, and she frowned. As if she sensed it, Marina gave her a hug, smiling when she pulled back.

"Awe come on, can't you stay for a little while? You don't even have to have pancakes, I'll make you something else!" Elizabeth bit her lip, hesitating. She really wanted to stay, and as much as she still didn't feel like confronting Richard, it was necessary. "Pleeease? I just wanna talk to you a liiiittle longer? Pretty please with a cute little cherry on top?" Marina whined rather childishly, pouting afterwards.

Elizabeth sighed. As she stared at Marina's large, pleading eyes, her resolve slowly started to dissipate. Fuck it, the asshole can wait. "Okay, I'll stay. Oh, and you don't need to make anything else, I'm fine with pancakes. Thank you."

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