Monday morning

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It's a Monday morning going to school early angry as always , slept late watching a movie, went to the shower got out some minutes after , got dressed and went to knock on my best friends door or let me say brother to be precise , he was still sleeping and we were running late I had wake him up to quickly go and get ready he did so and we went out of the house , we didn't bother about breakfast cause we usually have our breakfast at the cafeteria we got to school two minutes before lecture started , I am a science laboratory student and my friend is a science student too but not a laboratory one a social science student.

"Your a little late  Mr Jake " is what I heard from my favorite lecturer "take a sit" . I know your surprised I got away with it am kinda of a special student I have been a genius since from childhood my parents say it's a gift .

So how was your lecture today Denis as I said sarcastically cause I know he always sleeps in class and flunks out as usual "well you know how it is I go in there get bored and sleep through it" as we reached the cafeteria we ate and left to our apartment with Jake's mind filled with memories as always since his parents died from an accident two years ago "I wish they could see how much I have accomplished in these two years that has past so much pain I had to endure so much taunting and criticism" I sat down as these thoughts were running on my mind suddenly my phone rang and it was my girlfriend Anika I picked it up as quickly as possible with a smirk on Dennis's face we planned to go on a date that day with Dennis has the third wheeler Dennis didn't really have a good chance in keeping a serious relationship so he jumps from one girl to the other in short he is a player "yh I will come pick u up by 7:00pm love u too"

Different emotions were running through my mind has I walked up to Anika's house "hi with a broad smile on my face" "hello hope u didn't bring Denis " she replied I gasped as I saw how stunning she was looking "you look so beautiful  Ani" ignoring her question " oh shut up" she said with a huge red blushing chicks over her face

Let's go shall we Jake said has he held her hand and brought her close to him while they walk through the silent but a little crowded street of  London

"It was fun right" Jake said with a boyish smile on his face "yes it was thank you for taking me out babe I love you" she said with a little peck to his chick "anytime babe" they got to Anika's apartment in good time so Jake decided to stay a little before Dennis  calls him to ask where he kept the keys to their apartment

In the house the cute couple cuddled in bed and talk about stuff that happened in their outing before the atmosphere changed

"Babe ? When will you let me meet the parents of my future husband" Anika asked "you will soon babe don't worry about that"  with a sad tone on his voice funny enough in the 3 years of their relationship Jake never told Anika what happened to his parents because before the accident Jake's parents sent him off to London with enough money and accommodation that will last him for as long as possible,  as if they knew he would never see them again

Jake was not happy about leaving his parents as he is the only child and have been in his parents house all his life.
"Don't you think it's a little late babe u should get going" was what snapped him out of his thoughts as they said their good bye to each other sadness and romance spread to the atmosphere when Jake stood Anika up and gave her a warm hug and a kiss which made her mood even more sad as she knows it won't last and he was about to leave

Stretching her hand has he slowly released her grip and closed the door behind him. "Ok bro am on my way you have been buzzing me all the while am coming bro cut me some slack" I said has I was walking fast to our apartment.

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