Chapter 22 - Jenny Minkus

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Smackle smiled as she looked how Farkle was holding their daughter. September, 2nd, their baby daughter came into the world while she was healthy and happy. She shook her head as Farkle placed the small baby girl in her arms as they saw how Maya and Josh came through.

"So looks like a lot of babies are close in age," Maya said as she smiled.

"Definitely. Come let me introduce you guys. This is Jenny Faith Minkus. Jenny, this is our friends, Maya and Josh," Farkle said.

"She's adorable you guys. Good job, Minkus," Josh said.

"Thanks, Josh," Farkle said.

"I mean it. Landon couldn't have asked for a better friend in this world," Josh said as Maya smiled a her son in her arms.

"Well we're all in this together with the parenting journey. Let's take it on like that," Maya said as she smiled.

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