Chapter 9 - Good And Bad News

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"Hey Mom," Maya said as she and Josh came through the door.
"Hey, Baby Girl. Who's this?" Katy asked.
"Okay want to hear the good or the bad news first?" Maya asked.
"Good news and bad news? Um... Let's go with the good news," Katy said.
"This is Josh Matthews. He's Riley's uncle. Also my boyfriend," Maya said.
"Pleased to meet you, Josh. I've heard a lot about you. Where's the bad news then?" Katy asked.
"We're making you a grandmother at 35," Maya said.
"What! Congratulations Maya," Katy said giving her daughter a hug as Josh smiled.

"When did you find out?" Katy asked.
"Just the other day. I'm about 10 weeks," Maya said.

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