Chapter 10 - Smarkle Reveal The News To Their Parents

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Smackle and Farkle sat across Jennifer and Stuart while they were very nervous over what could happen when they tell the news while Smackle's parents were also there.

"What do you kids want to tell us?" Stuart asked.

"We're pregnant, Dad. Smackle found out that she is pregnant. She's not that far," Farkle said as both sets of parents looked at them.

"How far exactly?" Jennifer asked.

"Six weeks," Smackle said.

"That is early. I'm not sure how I feel about this nor do I think it is a good idea to keep the child," Veronica Smackle said.

"Mother, me and Farkle have decided to keep the baby against everything that could happen. And I hope you will support us in our decision.

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