Chapter 4

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AN: Hi there! Sorry it took me so long to update but I'm very busy at the moment and my beta is too, so it takes a bit longer. Have some Nightly phone calls, minor feels, cheesiness and shameless flirting and some innuendos to make up for it…
~ Pockethobbit

Sunday, January 18

Sherlock, John



Why are you up?

Can't sleep again.

Bad dream?


John? Everything alright?

Yeah, yeah of course. Just a stupid dream.

Do you want to talk about it?

It's really stupid. You'll think it's stupid.

No, John, it's not stupid when it has something to do with you.

It's just…You died.

How did I die?

You fell off the roof of our school. And I couldn't do anything. I just stood there, not able to move and you fell and then you hit the ground and oh my god there was blood everywhere.

John, I assure you, it was just a dream. I'm perfectly fine, you're perfectly fine. I would never do something like that. And it's not stupid, don't ever say anything like that again.

*incoming call*


"I… sorry. I just had to hear your voice."

"Don't be sorry. You can always call me."

"Promise me you'll never die."

"I can't promise this. At some point everybody dies."

"Promise me."

"John, be logical. I'll probably be retired and living in a cottage in Sussex. You'll be living with your wife in a pretty house with a white picket fence somewhere in one of the best parts in London. Your children and grandchildren will be visiting you. Maybe you'll even have a dog. You'll have long forgotten about me when the time comes to die."

"…And if I like cottages in Sussex? I couldn't forget you, even if I wanted to."

"Why would you like cottages in Sussex? Family, white fence and a dog, that's the life for people like you. For the perfect ones, not for the lonely people like me."

"Maybe I don't wanna have a normal, perfect life."

"It isn't about the cottage in Sussex. I would go to a farm in Scotland or to an igloo in Norway too. It's more the company than the place, Sherlock. You're not lonely, because you have me. And you can't leave me."

"I would never leave you. But you will, John. Try to be reasonable."

"I am reasonable. Sherlock that dream nearly killed me. Do you really think I'm able to leave you?"

"I don't know, John. I honestly don't know. I can't see the future."

"Sherlock, I will never leave you, unless you tell me to. And even then, you know how stubborn I can be."

"Yes, I know. I'll be with you as long as you want me to be."

"Then I guess we're stuck together."

"Like glue."

"Are you smiling?"


"You are! I can practically hear it through the phone."

"You really should become a detective."

"Consulting detective."

"Excuse you."


"Haha, just forget it."

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