|Chapter Four : Welcome To Helvon, Fish|

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There are moments in life when I wish the infamous 'If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under the ground' phrase was true.

Because at this very moment, standing in front of devil incarnate himself, I wanted nothing more than to bury his immortal body underneath the filthy mud.

Apparently, Mellisa took Valerian's advice of looking into Queen Annabeth's archives first. The problem here is that her archives are at her castle in Helvon. Which means we had to go to the underworld to look through them.

Considering Dulcamara's words, Mellisa wants me and Zander to find the key to capture Thanatos Skia. She believes herself or anyone else won't find it even if they try their best. Because technically, me and devil incarnate are the only ones who can find it.

Which leaves me with no option than to go along with Zander to his kingdom. Although Mellisa, given our 'rift' with one another, took pity and told me I could take my second-in-command along with me for company.

Now let me be very honest here, I wholly trust only one person in my kingdom and that is Ursula, my second-in-command. If I take her with me and hand Seagill in someone else's hands in my absence, my kingdom will be in threat. And so I can't ask her to accompany me.

Although, no fear my friends, I came up with a great idea and asked Valerian to let me take his second in command, Avyanna, along. It took my utmost self-control to stop myself from murdering the High King because the brute just wouldn't let me take his head guard.

I still remember how much I'd pestered him . . .


"But why can't she, annoying crow?! It's not like I'm asking you to come along!" My voice booms in the entirety of Valerian's study.

The raven king himself remains lazily sprawled on the couch adjacent to mine, with his head on Kaitlyn's lap and his hands playing with her hair.

Cheesy couple vibes anyone?

"I said no." He retorts in a single blank tone.

"Please!" It sounds nothing like a request but it'll do.

"Take your second in command with you, Marilla. Leave mine alone. Avyanna wouldn't leave her duty either way." Valerian's voice is uncaring.

"Ugh! It'll be like a vacation for Avyanna! If you give her permission, she'll come! Besides, I can't take Ursula with me!" I let out a groan.

"Even I think Avyanna should rest for a while, Val. Maybe getting away from here and work will help her move on from the pain of Julian's death? It's been seven years, she's still mourning him. I know it's hard but she deserves to be happy too. She's an amazing person at heart. We know that." Kaitlyn juts in, her hands running through Valerian's hair.

At his wife's words, Valerian's eyes soften and he asks me in a curious tone, "Why can't you take Ursula again?"

"Because she's the only one I trust in my entire court. If she accompanies me, Seagill might be in threat. I'm not risking my kingdom's safety." That's the most reasonable words I'd spoken.

"Millions of merfolks and you trust only one of them? That's gold."

"Says the king who doesn't trust even a single one of his own folks."

"That's where you're wrong. I trust Kate." He winks up at his wife from where he's laying his head on her lap.

"Kate's not even your folk. She's your queen." I roll my eyes.

Valerian twirls a lock of Kaitlyn's hair around his finger as she stares down at him amusedly, "But she's mine. And I trust her."

"First of all, that doesn't even relate. Second of all, Oh my God, I might puke because of all the cheesiness! My single dog eyes." I make a gagging expression and all he does is ignore me.

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