|Chapter Fifty : The Kill|

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My eyes blazed as a thrilling energy zapped through my veins, my blood, my eyes. I could feel the intensity of the raw powers that had been taken out of me spring to life.

My gaze landed on Ursula with a predatory glint.

Ursula who'd been standing on her spot observing me with bored look, now seemed startled. The green of her eyes widened in pure terror as she took a step back.

She must've thought I wouldn't even think of hurting her. Because no matter what she did, I'd been fond of her growing up. She'd been the one to guide me to be a queen. I'd really trusted her.

But she'd broken that trust. She'd hurt Layla and in return hurt me. She'd separted us, put Layla in great peril for something she hadn't ever been responsible for.

And no matter how much I'd been fond of Ursula, nothing could justify what she did to Layla. She had to pay for that.

To test my newfound powers, I flicked my wrist through the air in front of me drawing a straight horizontal line that glowed electric blue but could cut through ice.

A smirk lit up my lips. I wouldn't even need a weapon with that glow thing that worked like a blade. It was pure, lethal God power and it was. . .amazing.

Shifting my sight to Ursula, I saw her take one after another step back attempting to flee now that she knew she had no way out without losing her pathetic life. I darted over to the woman and grabbed her arm with my left hand.

Ursula's eyes flew wide open in panic, "Don't run, my sweet hun. Would you not listen to the queen?" It felt weird to sing-song the words in my siren voice after so long of barely using it.

It was as enchanting as it had always been but somehow the intensity of the voice seemed so much stronger now, pro of having my added powers I suppose.

Siren's song could lure people into madness. Could make them do anything despite their better judgement. They would realize what they're doing, they might even want to not do it but over all the urges, the urge that would be the strongest would be to hear to that voice again and again whisper sweet nothings.

It was very much like compulsion. The only difference though, is that compulsion would result the person to do what is asked of them without any hesitation. A person might compulse you to jump off the cliff and you'd do it. No questions asked. Because you wouldn't even know what you're doing. And after the compulsion is taken off, you wouldn't remember a penny of what you did.

Siren's song though, can't numb a brain. It'll just make all the other senses hyper-active making you want to do what is asked of you. And once the song is stopped, you'll remember every bit of what you did. And if someone has a very strong mind, they can even fight off a siren's song. Compulsion, they can't unless they have talismans worn against the power.

Ursula fell into a daze, her mind weak as it may be, falling into the song's bidding. Her arms fell limply against her sides indicating she wouldn't run but their was a horrified look in her eyes.

Good. She should know what I was doing.

"I want to be fair, so I wouldn't ask you to stand still while I kill you. You can fight me as long as you don't run." This time I utter the words in my normal voice and she snaps out of the siren song stupor.

Instantly, she lunges forward and I realize she had a crystal dagger clutched in her hand all along.

But it was fine.

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