|Chapter Seventeen : Sultry Distracting Siren Gaze|

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Marilla's hand clutch the back of my shirt as the wetness of her tears stains the cloth. I hold her head to my chest while my other arm firmly remains wrapped around her waist in an embrace.

I feel my heart boil with a strange anger at every silent cry erupting fron the siren in my arms.

"Hey, fishy. Its okay." I mumble into her hair holding her close.

My hand carresses the blue silky locks of her hair, brisking in how they're as soft as they look.

Marilla remains quiet at my words. Her grip on my shirt grows tighter but she speaks nothing. Ofcourse, the stubborn girl would never.

But then the realisation knocks me that she's still disturbed by whatever had gotten her crying in the first place.

"What ha-" My words pause as I hear distant footsteps approaching.

An almost inaudible sigh of defeat despite the sniffles leaves Marilla's lips as she lets go of my shirt and starts backing away from the embrace instantly.

My eyes narrow the way it's evident in her every action that she doesn't want the least bit to talk to the people looking for her. But at the same time, she knows she doesn't have a choice. Because she's the queen, the ruler of the kingdom. And a ruler is obliged to listen to their subjects' every nagging and bla bla bla.

I better than anyone could understand how frustrating it becomes at times

The footsteps grow closer and the air of irritation and defeat within Marilla grows more and more making me annoyed at the people approaching her as well.

They should just let her be, for a teeny while at least! But if they weren't going to give her that peace, I can damn well do the deed myself.

When Marilla's almost out of my arms, I pull her back closer and hold her tighter. Palming the back of her head, I tuck her head to my chest with one hand and the other tightens it's hold around her waist.

Marilla raises her head to look up at me with squinted teary eyes, "What are you-"

Before she can complete the sentence, the dark smokeless clouds of my power shroud us.

Not seconds later, we're in my room back in Helvon.

Marilla jerks away from me the moment we're back on our footing.

Her face is brimmed with annoyance but the still remnants of tears in her eyes make her look like a fiery little thing, "The heck did you bring me here? I have to be there!"

Ignoring her fuming, "How old were you when your sister. . ." My words waver not knowing how to say it without hurting her sentiments.

"Tried to kill me?" She lets out a humorless laugh, "I was thirteen. Got your answer? Now teleport me back to Seagill. My people want me to be there."

I ignored the last two sentences and held her shoulders as a brewing anger started building in me, "So they wanted a thirteen-year-old to kill her own sister?"

Marilla's fists clench and she looks away avoiding my gaze.

"Even if your sister had always been cruel, you were just thirte-"

"No." Her head whips my way and her gaze drills at me.


"She wasn't always cruel. She was. . .she used to be. . ." Her throat clogs and I see fresh set of tears fill her eyes but before I can glance at them, she turns her head the other way again.

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