Chapter 11:Camie Meets Mitsuki/Bakugo's Secret

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(Narrator's POV)

"Well. We'll see you two later. JinJin and I have some things to do." Melissa said as Jinno blushed and rolled his eyes at Melissa's nickname for him as Bakugo and Camie chuckled.

"JinJin? Really? Tch. Please don't cheer that tomorrow while Baku and I run the table during the Final Clash. Anyway, Kugo and Camie, we'll see you guys later." Jinno said as he and Melissa left, leaving Bakugo and Camie alone.

"So.....mind if I come over?" Camie asked sweetly as Bakugo blushed. Why would she want to come over to his house? Especially with his parents no doubt still there?

"Wha? Why would you want to?" Bakugo asked as Camie giggled.

"Because I want to meet your parents, silly! Plus you've been to my house, so why not?" She replied as Bakugo sighed.

"Again: Why would you want to? But whatever: I guess you can come over if you aren't busy." He replied as Camie kissed his cheek and took his hand as they walked to his house. While it was a short walk from where they were, Bakugo wished it was longer. Especially after what happened earlier with his mother and knowing that it likely wasn't over in regards to that situation.

"So...your she home?" Camie asked as they came up on the house. Judging by how the door looked to be slightly ajar, Bakugo assumed that his parents had either just come home or were getting ready to leave. He hoped it was the latter as he sighed.

"Yeah. Most likely. Just...don't let her get to you. If she starts screaming or talking shit...." He began to say until Camie placed a finger on his lips to silence him.

"Don't let her hear you say that. She may think you're still angry from earlier and we don't want that, OK?" She said as Bakugo nodded and opened the door...

"Huh? Oh I left the door...oh? Katsuki! I...about earlier...." Mitsuki began to say until she saw Camie, who smiled.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mrs Bakugo." She said as Bakugo looked away as Mitsuki smiled.

"So you're Camie? You're the girl my Katsuki has fallen for. It's nice to meet you." She said as Bakugo just gave his mother a look before looking at Camie.

"I'm...going up to my room. Make yourself at home." He said as he headed upstairs, leaving Camie with his Mom, the latter now with a look of her own.

"Mother of the year, I am. Could you tell?" She asked as Camie looked at her.

"I've heard his side. But what about you? Why do you think he hates you so much? He mentioned it had something to do with you and his grandfather?" She asked as Mitsuki sighed and pressed her fist against the wall.

"I've become to Katsuki what my father was to me: Controlling, demanding and borderline abusive. I don't even know how to be a mother to him. I feel like every time I get a chance to...every damn time I get a chance to bridge the gap between Katsuki and I....I always ruin it. I always mess it up. Just once....just once I'd like to NOT mess it up. Just once I'd want things to be right between us. Katsuki treats his UA Classmates and you better than he does me at this point and I can't blame him. It hurts like Hell...but what right do I have to be mad? I caused this." Mitsuki explained tearfully as Camie hugged her.

"I have an idea: The Final Clash is tomorrow. Whether Bakugo and Jinno win or lose, we should go out: Me and my parents with you, Katsuki and his Dad. I think that would help out a lot. That and you showing up to the Final Clash tomorrow." She said as Mitsuki smiled.

"I...I'd like that. But you better go talk to Katsuki about it as well." She said as Camie headed upstairs. But as she approached Bakugo's room, she gasped at what she heard;

"This is weird. I even dreamt about this, but the words aren’t coming out. Even though she’s this close to me. Even though she’s this close … why … does she feel so FAR AWAY.”

*Is he talking about me?* Camie thought to herself as she gently peeked into Katsuki's room to see that he was reading something. And there was a pile of similar books next to his bed.

*Are those...manga? And from the sound of that line...they're SHOJO Manga? He's into romance novels!! How cute!!* Camie thought to herself happily as she just continued to listen to Bakugo read:

"I feel like it would be better if I take a step back before I get too far. ” 

*I know this manga! Ah!!* Camie thought to herself as she couldn't keep her giddyness in.

"Being by yourself is actually very lonely. Where did yesterday’s happiness go?”  She said as she walked in, causing Bakugo turned around in shock! Did she..?!? She didn't just overhear....?!?

"How long have you been....?!? How much did you...?!?" He stammered until Camie kissed him to calm him down before speaking.

"Tell you what, Bakubae: I won't breathe a word of this to Jinno or Melissa...if you do something for me." She said as Bakugo sighed. She had him right where she wanted him.

"Alright. What is it?" He asked as Camie smiled.

"Me and my parents. You and your parents. A full day out together.. The weekend after the Final Clash. What do you say? I'm sure you wouldn't want any of your UA friends to discover this, now would you? Especially that Mina girl. She seems like quite the gossip queen..." She said with a smirk as Bakugo looked a combination of frustrated and horrified.

"OK. OK! You win! I'll agree to go out with you and your parents that day." He said.

"And...?" Camie asked with a smirk as Bakugo looked confused. What else could she want?

"What? What is it?" He asked as Mitsuki appeared in the doorway. He only needed to look at each of them once before he knew what was up.

"I think you know what the second condition is. Or are we going to have some juicy Shojo gossip for when UA and Shiketsu merge?" She asked as Bakugo looked at his Mom before embracing her in a hug that Camie herself soon joined.

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it, Bakuboo?" Camie asked as Mitsuki snickered.

"Bakuboo? Oh my...." She said as Bakugo groaned in reply.

Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

Heh! Looks like Camie has Bakugo right where she wants him! As for what Shojo Manga Bakugo was reading? It's called "Hirunaka Nu Ryuusei/Daytime Shooting Star"

It's Clash time next chapter! See ya then!







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