Chapter 12:Deception/Round 1!

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(Narrator's POV)

The day had arrived. All the training and preparation had led to this moment. It was time for the Final Clash! Bakugo, Jinno, Seiji and Inasa met up at the entrance to the locker rooms.

"Shiketsu and UA have separate locker rooms. No doubt to prevent any friction. Let's get inside." Seiji said as he and Inasa walked towards the locker room as Bakugo and Jinno looked at Camie and Melissa, the latter who kissed their respective boyfriends and wished them luck as they headed to the spectator seats to join Bakugo and Jinno's parents along with the other friends and family of the competitors.

"Ready for this, Kugo? Let's crack some heads, my man." Jinno said with a smirk as he and Bakugo fist bumped before heading to the locker rooms.

*Meanwhile in the Hallway...*

"Ugh. This is a pain carrying all this." Mirio said as he was carrying a stack of papers that contained exam info and results of past exams. He was to bring it to Aizawa. But in his haste, he let one fall to the ground as he made his way to the UA locker room.

"Huh? What's this? Hey Mirio! You dropped this! Tch. He's always so into his...hmm. Oh! These are the results of Bakugo and Shoto's test....wait...what? Oh my.....No! They didnt?!? Those jerks!! I gotta let the others know!" Mina said as she rushed to the UA locker room to inform the others of whatever she saw.


"Alright everyone. Today's the day all your training and preparation is put to the test. No matter who wins or loses here today, let me make one thing clear: The relationships you all have built with one another will not change, regardless of the outcomes of your respective matches. Because we'll all soon be one big family, both Shiketsu and UA!" All Might exclaimed as everyone laughed.

"Let me also address the obvious: As you all know, Bakugo is on Shiketsu's team. And I know he's your friend, but we all know that he wants you all to come at him and Jinno with everything you've got. You know he goes all out and expects the same out of whomever is in here that he and Jinno face. And considering your respective histories with him, I'd say that goes double for you, Izuku and Shoto." Aizawa said.

"That is, unless you want a repeat of the Sports Festival, Shoto." All Might said with a chuckle as everyone laughed. Even Shoto smiled at the joke.

But the fun was soon interrupted by Mirio and Mina, both who looked frustrated.

"I can't believe this! How could they do this?" Mirio said as he put the stack of papers down as Mina looked angry.

"I know, right?!? Those two jerks!!" She said angrily as everyone looked confused.

"Guys, what's wrong? Why are you two so upset?" Kirishima asked as Mirio began to explain.

"Well I was bringing these papers with past exam info and results for the merger and dropped one in my haste that Mina here picked up. And what she saw on there was abhorrent! Just plain low!" He explained.

"What? What did she see?" Izuku asked.

"Its the exam results for Bakugo and Shoto! Those two jerks Seiji and Inasa set them up to fail on purpose! They made it so they'd get judged unfairly even if they did everything right! See for yourself!!" Mina exclaimed as Izuku and the others each read the results.


"Wait a minute: I DID remember overhearing Seiji talk about hindering UA students because he saw them as unworthy. And Inasa offered to help him due to his beef with you, Shoto. Seiji always hated Bakugo and saw him as the most unworthy. So...." Kaminari began to say.

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