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It was only inevitable that the boys would catch your attention. Everyone watched them rule the court as they were clearly above the other kids, it was almost as if the rest of the small team of boys and girls envied them, but you were all children at the time, not being able to suppress your true feelings.

Your parent had forced you to join the junior volleyball club, saying it was bad to lay around all day while you were still growing.

You weren't opposed to sports, but you were scared, usually being the bigger one in a group of kids, and rightfully so, as someone always made it abunduntly clear that you weren't welcomed, that you were 'ugly' or 'fat', and they would laugh about it.

You just overall had a hard time communicating with others, as you were terrified someone would downright bully you the way you thought everyone did.

You stuck out like a sore thumb on the first day, hesitantly hitting the ball and it failing to ever get over the net, shying away from the group anytime you made a mistake. 

You felt like you were in hell, wanting to go home as soon as possible as you sat with your knees to your chest in a random corner of the gym.

When it was time for you to walk home, you noticed how two boys from the club were ahead of you the entire time, the boys who were better than everyone else in the club.

One of them had noticed you as he looked back, whispered something in the other's ear, and recieving a shrug in response from him.

This sight made your stomach turn, thinking of the worse. You've seen this play out too many times, you've noticed the whispers and quiet giggles, and pointing. You thought you knew when someone was talking about you.

You walked with your head between your shoulders, avoiding eye contact in case they were still looking, just wishing you'd get to your house faster.


Your heart stops, waiting for what was to come, and all you could think was that he wasn't even going to shy away from saying something mean to you.

Only your eyes flutter up, letting him know that you were listening.

"you're in the club right?"

You both were stopped in your tracks, while the other boy continued walking, ignoring the conversation.

You nod slowly, looking out at the street.

He points at you, "y'know, when you wanna serve, you should have a spot to know where you're aiming."


You're eyebrows furrow together, looking back up at him, not understanding what he's getting at.

"You gotta be more confident!" He smirks slightly, and this makes your eyes widen at the random encouragement.

Your hands find themselves, pulling at your own fingers, not knowing how to respond, so all you do is bow quietly.

He snickers slightly, "I'm Osamu," you watch as he points at the other boy, who was now stopped and waiting for him in the distance, "that's my dumb brother, his names Atsumu."

The other boy, Atsumu, smacks his teeth against his lips, barking back a loud, "SHUT UP SAMU!"

You give them a shy smile before Osamu speaks up again, "what's your name?"

After this, every practice, Osamu kept a cautious eye on you as you would make your serves or tosses, and he would walk over sometimes to demonstrate a way that might be easier for you.

Falling in love with Miya AtsumuWhere stories live. Discover now