4 (2/2)

144 4 1

A/N: On Ao3 chapter four fits perfectly fine as one chapter index but I guess the word count was too big for Wattpad?

"I have to tell you something, but you have to pinky promise- no- cross your heart, cross your heart that you won't tell a soul Samu!" You jab a finger in Osamu's direction as you sit across from eachother in his kitchen. Atsumu said he was going out to the store to get some things, not saying what exactly.

Osamu raises a brow, then a smile tugs at the corner of his lips, as if he only knew. 

"Oh, I solemnly swear," and X marks the spot as he runs two lines against the left side of his chest with a finger, "cross my heart."

You chomp down on your lower lip, getting up and slowly pacing from the other side of the island, Osamu only watching you patiently as you try to find the right way to say this.

"You okay?" He chuckles lowly as his eyes follow you.

You stick a hand out, "I'm fine! Just...I don't know how to say this," your hands run around eachother, trying to make him understand how difficult this is for you, "I dont want you to hate me, or the either of you for that matter okay?"

Although Osamu already secretly knew what this was about, the fact that you were worried he or his brother would walk away from you over something like this almost baffled him, "hey trust me when I say this, nothing in this world could come between any of us, alright?" The solemness in his voice coming back.

You stop in your tracks as you look Osamu in the face, your biting on your lip nearly broke skin before you blurt out, "I'm in love with Atsumu!" You slap a hand over your mouth.

For some reason, his real name slipped out and it made your heart flip flop.

Then you realized you had said the word 'Love'.

That smile on Osamu's face came back before it nearly spread ear to ear, then a chuckle escapes from him. "I know."

Your hands drop, "What?"

"I said I know."

You settle your hands in the middle of your torso as they pull at eachother, a habit of yours since you were little and this draws Osamu's attention to it.

He let's out a small sigh, "I've, always known. Since we were in middle school, till now-"

"How could you have known when I didn't even know?" The question almost making you laugh.

He leans into his palm as his elbow rests on the counter, looking up at you, "I just know what it's like."

Your eyebrows furrow, "what, what's like?"

He only continues looking up at you.

"L-Loving someone?"

Osamu smirks at the way you almost sounded in disbelief, "why are you so surprised?"

"Well..with who? Why don't we know about this?"

He only shrugs, "Sumu knows."

You puff your cheeks out, "what the heck? What about me?"

And if only Sumu had half the brain Samu had when it came to stuff like this, the both of you would've already known years ago, just by the way Osamu looked at you alone.

You look down at your hands, "Samu?"

He sticks a hand out, enough to reach and pull your hands apart and bring your attention back to him, a genuine smile sat on his face, "yeah it was you, and don't ask me if I'm lying either." Because only he would know how well you'd take every chance to deny it.

Falling in love with Miya AtsumuWhere stories live. Discover now