XIV. heartbeat.

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Monday morning woke Baekhyun up with a ray of playful sunshine in the eyes. He frowned trying to hide under the blanket, for the second morning in a row asking the same question: «Where is the sun coming from?», his room is not on the sunny side. And each time, like a bright flash in an empty head, memories floated up... This is not his room, it is «their» room. As soon as he opened his eyes, the omega could see Chanyeol. The man did not sleep, just like yesterday. He was laying on the pillow, looking at the boy with sleepy eyes, smiling softly, and his heavy, hot palm was on his thin lower back.

— Good morning, — a husky whisper after the night and a kiss on soft lips.

They woke up together for the second morning and the second-morning Baekhyun felt the happiest. In the right place, as if it was destined for him by someone from above. Now Chanyeol looked very young, not at all like a forty-year-old man, dishevelled, relaxed, with a soft smile on his lips. So unlike his usual look, that as a teacher, walk through the corridors in a formal suit, with a stern expression on his face, almost like a stone. He pulled the boy closer to him, pressed him so close that he could feel the warmth of the body, a measured heartbeat deep under the ribs and hot breaths touching the tousled hair on the top of the head.

— Good morning, — Baekhyun replies after a pause, embarrassedly pressing the tip of his nose to bare skin, inhaling such a dear scent.

Chanyeol took the sick leave. The bruise on the cheekbone was not going to disappear, it turned into purple-blue, in some places — crimson, same as the wound on the lip, which was now covered with a crust. So now they had a lot of time to get used to each other. The chance to bask in bed for hours until the autumn sun approaches its zenith. The chance to fall asleep by touching each other, studying, memorising small details. Counting moles. Chanyeol loved to collect chocolate chips with his lips on the snow-white skin. Anything, as long as they are together, as long as they are close to each other.

— Today is an important day, do you remember? — the man whispers, trying not to show out that he has been waiting for this all week.

Today is Monday and they have an appointment with the doctor for omegas. Baekhyun remembers this but is still a little scared. Not the best memories and associations he has with that place, more just a shame. What will the doctor think of him after what happened last time, after how he and Chanyeol acted there. He was ashamed of only the memory and he huddled closer to the man, hiding in strong arms and wide chest.

— I am ashamed to go there... — he quietly sniffs, closing his eyes, and feels how tightly he is being hugged in return. How wide palms touch the lower back and the back of the head, burrowing into soft hair. Chanyeol pats him softly, cuddle him, kissing the top of his head.

— We can find another clinic and another doctor who does not know anything, — it does not matter at all for Chanyeol, as long as Baekhyun is comfortable, and if needed, he is fine to take him even to the other end of the city, to a good clinic, to a good specialist.

— No, I trust him... He was so worried about my choice, he is reliable, — the omega quietly whispers, breathing noisily into the man's chest.

He trusts, remembering how sincerely beta was happy for the omega to be pregnant and how delicately tried to convince, without even a blink, when he found out from whom he became pregnant. Omega could feel professionalism and understanding and acceptance so needed in their situation, and if then Baekhyun was going to entrust him with such a dangerous abortion procedure, now he will no doubt entrust the entire pregnancy and even delivery when the time comes.

— Then we should get up and get ready, it's already eight a.m. — there is not much time, — Chanyeol spoke with a smile, but contrary to his own words, looked like he has no intention to open his arms.

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