XVII. beloved.

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Gently squeezing the thin hand in his own, Chanyeol leaned closer to the omega, kissing the temple. The younger was tense and even his palm was wet with worry, although there was no reason for this. But still, Baekhyun worried like the first time, looking at the monitor, hoping to see at least something, but it seemed completely black, turned slightly sideways to him.

— So, what is it? — the omega cannot stand it at all, breathing harder and harder each time.

— There is your baby, dear, what else, — dropping an involuntary chuckle, the doctor responds in tune with him, slowly sliding the sensor over a slightly peeping belly.

— Is he growing there? It's already the third month, and I don't seem to be pregnant at all.

This is the question Baekhyun asks himself almost every day, looking at his reflection. Chanyeol only shakes his head in response to this — after all, he warned that the omega simply won't notice when the tummy starts to appear. He didn't even notice, but Chanyeol saw how his body was changing, how his thighs became juicier, and his tummy began to show out a little. Maybe it's impossible to determine pregnancy looking at it with an unnoticed eye, but something definitely changed, and these changes excited him.

— Oh, it grows, it's already big enough to grow with your tummy now, — Taewon thought it's cute. Such a restless and curious omega and the alpha that tries to control himself, but his hands are shaking no less. They looked so good as parents, who are so impatiently waiting for their baby.

Turning the screen to the couple, the doctor watches with undisguised pleasure how their faces change. The baby really grew up: he became a little bigger, he had small arms and legs, his head became very visible and black dots appeared — small eyes. Even getting used to the thought that there was life inside him, Baekhyun still could not believe that this life now looks just like a tiny baby.

— He's so cute, I really want to know who is there, — the omega whispers softly, putting a hand to his stomach, a little from the side, so as not to interfere with the doctor, and gently stroking. The child, as if responding to the touch, weakly moved the hand to the side, followed by it turning on his side. Not yet capable of large movements, even so, he was able to delight Baekhyun and bring him to a muffled squeaky whisper. — Is he moving?

— Of course, he moves, — the doctor smiled softly, he was watching the monitor with curiosity. — He can already move his arms and legs, even his fingers, clench his fists and suck his thumb. He can do many things and moves quite often, but so far you do not feel it. When he gets bigger, he won't let you sleep, remember my words! — the doctor laughs quietly, observing the delight with which the couple looks at the monitor, where the baby froze, turning sideways, just falling asleep. But he awkwardly averts his gaze for decency when the alpha touches his omega's lips with a soft kiss.

— Baby, you two are so amazing, — Chanyeol whispers, not believing that things could be like this. He is partly ashamed that at his age, having one child, he did not know at all that unborn children were so incredible.

Everything was changing too fast, and even Baekhyun's scent became softer, more delicate, and sweet. The tart bitterness of the alcohol almost disappeared, leaving only juicy cherries, and Chanyeol waited for the rich berry aroma to be diluted with something else, something that belonged to their boy. Just as Baekhyun turned around in front of the mirror every morning, the man breathed deeply, burying his nose in the omega's ear, absorbing his favourite scent in the hope of feeling something new, and every day the waiting became more painful.

— I think it's enough, you can kiss at home, — for some reason embarrassed, the doctor interrupted the fondness, although he could not but rejoice that the couple actually had a warm relationship. — You can get dressed, I will write you recommendations, although there is hardly anything new there. As far as I see, the state of health has become much better...

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