The Backstory of Scheslinger High

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At the Leon Cafe, The Surveyor told Elmer about the strange encounter he encountered. The man drank his hot chocolate after that, he had a cold. 

"I swear, It was a very strong force. It was like a blast of cold air that ran over me!" He told Elmer. Elmer took a look at the footage on the Surveyor's phone.

"Goodness Gracious!" Exclaimed Elmer as he saw the footage. 

Sylvester showed up and Elmer passed the phone to him.  Sylvester saw the footage for himself. "This looks like a normal human being." he commented.

"It's a ghost!" The Surveyor corrected Sylvester. "It's okay, I believe you." he told the man.

"Everyone knows that school is haunted." Sylvester remarked. "There's a story about a teacher who works late in the afternoon."


"The teacher heard a tap on the door and he thought it was a student in of help."

 When he opened the door, he saw a newspaper clipping. The teacher freaked out when he saw the student's name.  

"The student died long ago." - Sylvester's Voice

After the teacher freaked out, he went back inside the staff room.

(End of Flashback)

Penelope showed up after Sylvester and she gave her own opinion on the story.

"That's just a typical Urban Myth." She remarked. 

"It's based on a story told by a friend, who told a friend, who told a friend who told me. There is no basis in reality." Penelope explained to Sylvester.

Sylvester rolled his eyes. "But it's true ask him." he told her.

"A ghost cyclist rode through me!" The man exclaimed.

Penelope was curious. "Are you a Paranormal Investigator?" She asked the man.

"No. I'm a Surveyor." he corrected Penelope.

"Surveyor? Cool. Can you explain to me what tools you use to survey buildings?" Penelope asked the man.

The man refused to answer.

"The ghost won't let anyone take down the school. Maybe that's why you were attacked." Sylvester told the Surveyor.

Sylvester began telling the story. "The school is haunted because it was built over an old hospital and in turn, the old hospital was built over a cemetery." He explained.

"As a result, there are lots of unhappy spirits in the area. The worst place of it all is the toilet." Sylvester said as he gulped at the last sentence.

"Here we go again." Penelope groaned but she was kind enough to listen to the story.


"The Taps are filled with blood. You hear a woman crying No one can see or hear her except via the mirror." 

A student screamed when the reflection of the woman was in the mirror.

"They would fall sick or in the worst-case scenario, die."

He elaborated, "Many of the students fell sick that the school had to close off that toilet but they reused it as a storeroom. " - Sylvester's Voice

(End of Flashback)

"Nobody since then has entered that room." Sylvester said ending the story.

The Surveyor came up with a theory of his own. "Maybe, The Evil One is there."

"Please explain." Elmer asked the Surveyor.

The man told the story. "There is a ghost. So evil, the only way to getting rid of him is to tear down the building."

"He has never heard of this story before." Sylvester said turning to Elmer's attention.

The Surveyor elaborated, "The school used to be very top-performing. It almost had high scores It only failed in tidiness." he continued, "The principal blamed it on a guy who's a janitor and fired him."


The janitor was outside the school sharpening his knife. 

"Fired. After twenty years. They will all pay!" he exclaimed.

The man stabbed the knife into the ground and he went inside a non-vacant classroom experimenting with sugar and an unknown substance.

"He started a large fire that nearly burnt down one of the many classrooms." - The Surveyor's Voice

"You will pay! All of you. I curse you all. I curse you all." The Janitor said and he evilly laughed as the classroom burnt.

"Not satisfied with what he had done, he killed himself in the fire. Cursing the entire school and saying that he would return to haunt it forever. His ghost kills everyone and anything that gets into his path." - The Surveyor's Voice

(End of Flashback)

"I'm glad Lola is not here or she would say: "Aha! Let's explore it!" Sylvester said imitating the female rabbit's catchphrase.

Sylvester turned around and behind him was Lola standing outside. 

"I take that back. Lola's here." Sylvester added as he turned around and saw Lola standing behind him.

Lola was the last person to show up and she was curious as to what all the fuss was about. She entered the cafe.

"What's going on?" Lola questioned.

Sylvester turned to the Surveyor. "Don't tell her. She will cause more trouble and she's a busybody here."

"Am Not!" Lola yelled angrily.

Lola took a deep breath and she calmed herself down. 

"My name is Lola Bunny and we are a group of Paranormal Investigators." She introduced herself to the man.

"Paranormal Investigators? Can you prove there are ghosts in the school?" The man asked.

Lola was hesitant to say "Yes." She explained to the man. "We usually prove that there are no such things as ghosts."

"It'd be good if you guys can find evidence." The man told the Tunes and he sniffled a cough and sneeze.

"Sounds like a good challenge. Let's go." Lola said enthusiastically. 

Sylvester was shivering. "I ain't going." he told his friends.

The others looked at him and they said nothing, and they left the cafe. 

Sylvester not wanting to be left alone followed them to the school.

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