Chapter 15:

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        The sound of running filled the snowed in streets of Paris. Most of the roads were snowed over, giving now one really a chance to take a carriage with out getting into a crash. This either made people walk to their destination, or make them stay in their homes in fear that a storm might break out while they were out there. There weren't many people out in the streets, some shops were open to anyone who was out and about. Most shops like food, and clothes. And of course the center where the homeless could go and take shelter while being fed and clothes warmly due to the weather. But everyone watched as the two ran through the streets. Lisa and William were making their way to the Opera Populaire before the police got to Raoul to start their search underground... The stairway down was restless, Lisa and William didn't stop till they reached the bottom. They knew that they had to get there as soon as they could. To warn the Phantom. They both knew that the phantom was no harm to ____. _____ was Christine's daughter, he wouldn't dare harm her. Lisa of course led the way, knowing this place like the day she first came down here with the Phantom. William seemed to be amazed that there was such a place under neath the Opera Populaire. From the time he entered the building, he could understand how the police could not find them. Following his wife, he started to notice how eerie it started to become. No light, rats, the musky smell of fog from the lake. this truly was a place for the Phantom to hide. Lisa only prayed that the Phantom would remember her, and not take her or William as a threat...

        Erik sat at his desk, once again writing a piece of music for his beloved wife. he would make it as a gift for her, to hear her sing it for him. He had put her to bed only a few minutes ago. She looked so tired after their somewhat wedding. He carried her off to bed, tucking her in, and bidding her a good rest. Erik couldn't be happier with his life now. He had the one he loved married to him, sooner than he expected. He hadn't expected her to give in so easily. But, him being her Angel, he could see why she gave in so soon. He still felt it in his heart the guilt of lying to her about him being the Angel of Music. He knew one day she would find out that he was not the man he said to be. Erik sighed, and stood up with the sheets in is hand. he walked to the organ to try the new tune. He knew he had to be quiet about it, and not wake his dear ____. Though when he did play the organ, she would always fall asleep to how peaceful it was. Erik sat down on the stool, and began playing his piece. The music he played carried through his lair, across the lake, spreading through the sewers. He watched as his notes started towards the end from where he stopped to test out it's sound. When he came to a complete stop, and picked up his pen to start a new note... He heard something. Erik stopped, and listened carefully. It sounded like water being splashed around. He knew that it was deep in winter, and no fish would be in the sewers at this time of year. Erik put down the pen, and stood up. He turned to the opening of his lair, and could see two people struggling to walk through the cold waters towards him. He recognized the man as _____'s coach driver. Erik felt a bit panicked, but he stood there watching them. He noticed the woman looking very familiar. Ah yes, the house keeper, Madam Gwen. Erik slowly walked towards the water's edge, and watched them enter his lair. Lisa panted, and stopped at the sight of him. William stood behind her, looking at the Phantom.

        " I should have known that you stayed here all these years..." Lisa stated, standing still in the cold water. It didn't seem to bother them anymore than it did when they first entered the water. Erik slightly looked at her confused.

        " Madam, you have me confused." he informed, keeping his hands by his side. Lisa sighed. William put his hand on her shoulder.

        " Lisa, what of ____...?" he asked, looking at Lisa concerned. Erik raised a brow, and looked at Lisa carefully.

        " Lisa... Lisa Gwen...?" he questioned, a sudden memory of her in his mind. The night he came to the Opera House to start a new. To become the Phantom of the Opera. Lisa looked up at him, and nodded. Erik scoffed to himself. " What are you doing in those waters, get onto land before you catch your death of cold." Erik softly smiled at her, and extended his hand towards the two. William could see that Erik was not the monster that Raoul had described, so far he seemed completely different. Lisa sighed in relief, and walked towards Erik, grabbing onto his hand. He pulled her onto land, and then turned to William. "Monsieur..." he called out, watched William slowly walk to him, and take his hand. Walking onto the land, William slightly shook his legs to get the water off. " It has been over twenty years since we last met, Lisa. Why have you come all of a sudden?" Erik asked, studying Lisa from top to bottom. He could see that she hadn't aged that well, she looked a lot older than she really was. Lisa looked around, not seeing ____ anywhere.

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