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Royalty was walking down the hallway.And she noticed a group of people huddled in the middle of the hallway, they were gathering around Diana while she stood on top of a chair wit a megaphone.
"What the hell" ? She whispered
She noticed posters all over the walls of Diana.
"Vote for me as your new student body President" !! Diana yells
Silver walks up with the biggest frown on her face.
"Um what's happening here" ? She asked
"It looks like this bitch is tryna compete with me"
Diana catches Royalty eyes , she smirks.Royalty frowns.
"I'll make sure I'll be the best student body President ever, you will not regret voting for me"! Diana said
"Oh we will see about that" Royalty whispers
Royalty jumps up and snatches the mega phone from Diana.
"Hey , I was talking" !
Everybody glared at Royalty.
"If you vote for me , I'll make sure everybody get free lunches, I'll even create a desserts vending machine where you can choose all your favorite desserts , such as slices of cake of all flavors, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies , pastry's & pies" !
Everybody clapped and cheered and huddled up around Royalty.
"If you vote for me , I will make sure good things happen in this school, matter a fact GREAT things, I will run waves and make change in this school , just give me a chance and I will make wonders" !
Everybody clapped and cheered even louder.
"Royalty! Royalty! Royalty! Royalty" ! Everybody cheered
Royalty smiles.Silver gives her a big high five.Principal Jones was in the cut watching and smiling.

Royalty was in her physical science class.J.T was sitting behind her, he was watching her almost the entire time.
"Royalty can you pass out the assignments for today please" Ms Casey said
"Yes mam"
She hops up and passes the papers out to everybody and when she stopped at J.T desk.He grabbed her hand.
"Let go"
"I need to talk to you"
She snatches her hand away.
"What the hell do you want" ?
"Sean haven't been to school in days , have he texted or called you" ?
"No why would he text or call me , we broke up remember"
"I know , but like have you seen him anywhere" ?
"We went by his house but he wasn't their...his parents said he may have ran off"
"Really" ?
"Yeah they wanna get the cops involved"
"What? Why" ?
"Because they think something bad has happened to Sean"
"Maybe he just ran away like they say"
"Well Sean did run away in the past , but they found him at his aunties house, but he ain't their now, so his parents are really worried"
"Wow sucks to be him I guess"
"Excuse me" ?
"Maybe this is Karma for what he did to me"
"Sean is only 16 , he can be somewhere dead in a alley rape boys too you know"
"Sean is probably okay , maybe he just needs to clear his head, but if you will excuse me I have papers to pass out , and don't you ever grab my hand like that again or else"
J.T seized Royalty as she walked away

Silver & Chris was busy kissing and touching up on each other behind the bleachers and giggling.
"Oh my gosh what if we get caught" Silver said
"We won't , nobody is paying attention , everybody is on the field"
"You sure, we wont get caught" ?
He lifts her dress up and pulls down his jeans.He gasps and moms as he thrusted himself inside her.
"Oh fuck"
He was giving it to her rough, but she loved it.

Diana was walking down the hallway.She felt someone grab her waist , she jumps.
"Ugh J.T you scared me"
"Hey I've I've been meaning to ask you , where the hell is Sean"?
"Oh yeah about that ...his parents think he ran away from home, and so they might get the cops to search for him"
Diana gasped "oh my gosh , I hope he's okay"
"Yeah isn't is weird how right after his breakup with Royalty, he went MIA" ??
"Mmmm, yeah that is strange, but maybe he's just taking the breakup really hard right now"
"Mmmmm no I don't think so"
"Why you say that" ???
"It didn't bother him, he actually really didn't care"
"Well maybe he's just somewhere chilling for a while, I'm sure he will be back to school soon"
"Well off to class we go"
"Can I get a kiss" ?
Diana leans in and kisses J.T.
"One more"
She kisses him again "ok that's it, we gotta get to class"
"Since when you care about class"?
"Ugh shut up T"
He laughs.

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