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It was the next day.Jaylen was walking down the hallway to his locker.He opens his locker to clean it out.He felt a slight tap on his shoulder.He turns around wit a smile thinking it was Royalty, but it wasn't, it was Becky.
"Hi" she says
"What do you want" ?
"I just wanna say I'm sorry about yesterday , I actually don't have anything against you, I actually admire you"
"Oh is that right" ?
"Yes, I'm going by the library after school, do you wanna accompany me " ?
"I have things to do after school, so no thank u"
"Things like what" ? She said with a grin
"That's none of your business Becky"
She laughs "plans wit Royalty I suppose" ?
"Like I said it's none of your business & why are you even talking to me? you ain't talk to me all year, and now since you know I'm qualified in being the salutatorian you wanna talk to me"
"I'm not talking to you because of that , I'm talking to you because I think your actually cool people& we will get along just fine"
Royalty struts threw.
"Get the fuck away from my man" !
She grabs Becky and slangs up her up against the lockers.
"OW" ! She screams
"It's okay babe chill out"
"She was all in your air, no fuck ha" !
"I wasn't doing anything, ugh you are so crazy" !
"Oh you ain't seen crazy yet Becky" !
"Royalty calm down please, I don't want you getting in trouble"
"Ain't nobody finna get in trouble , nigga this is the last week of school , we seniors, we bouta leave this bitch soon, Ion give a fuck no more" !
"I can still tell Principal Jones what you did to me, and you wouldn't qualify to be the valedictorian anymore"
Royalty stands in front of Becky and seizes her.She had her pinned up against the lockers.
"Do it, I double dog dare you"
Becky was shaking and whimpering and seizing Royalty.Royalty seen the fear in her eyes.
"Babe let's go, she's not worth it" Jaylen said
Royalty hits the locker , making Becky jump.
"Ah" ! She shouts
Royalty steps back and grabs Jaylen hand and they walk away.Becky glares at them.
"Royalty you almost lost it back their"
She rolls her eyes.
"Is beating Becky up really worth losing something you've worked your whole life for" ?
"I guess not"
"Guess? you mean hell no"
"Ugh why you are being so defensive at me bout Becky" ?
"What" ?
"It seems like your taking up for her"
"I ain't taking up for her , I'm on your side obviously"
"It doesn't look that way to me"
"Well maybe you're being fuckin paranoid"
"Oh shit Jaylen why you cussing at me like I'm the bad guy" ?!
"Lòok I'm sorry , I just wanna get thorough this week without any drama or complications"
"Tell Becky not to try me & maybe we can"
"Ugh see that's what I'm talking about"
"Ugh what" ?
"You used to be so sweet Royalty, what happened to you" ?
"I grew the fuck up Jaylen that's what happened to me"
"Yeah but you've been acting kind of bitchy lately"
"Bitchy? Nigga it's my attitude & if you can't handle it , I don't know what to tell you"
"Handle? I've been wit you since 10th grade, I'm definitely handling you"
"I fell in love with that sweet caring Royalty, but now your just acting bitchy and mean"
"You know what I don't wanna even talk about this anymore, I'm going to class"
"Royalty hold on"
Royalty shakes her head and walks away.Jaylen sighs.

Cinderella, Buffy & Ella was at their lip filler appointment.
"So how bad Is the pain" ? Ella asked
Cinderella and Buffy glanced at Ella like she was stupid.
"Their gonna numb you stupid" Cinderella said
"I ain't stupid , I just didn't know" Ella said as she frowns and folds her arms
"You don't have to worry about anything, I'm gonna numb your lips with this numbing cream& then I will insert the needle to fill your lips, you won't feel anything, maybe just a bit pressure but no pain"
Ella nods and smiles.
"Sounds good to me" Buffy said
"I already did my research, I know what they do" Cinderella said
"Yeah well we didn't" Buffy said
Cinderella shrugs and flips her hair.
"Who wants to go first" ? The doctor asked
"Me" Cinderella said eagerly
"Alright let's do this"
She grins and claps her hands excitedly.
"I'll apply the numbing cream first"
He smears the numbing cream all over her lips.
"Now we wait a few mins& I will start the filling"
Cinderella nods. "Oh it's tingly"
"That's normal"
A few mins passed.
"Can you feel your lips" ?
"No" She said
"Good , we can begin"
He grabs a needle and gently insert the medication in her bottom lip first , then her top lip.
"Alright all done"
"Wow that was fast, I ain't feel a thing" she said
Buffy and Ella gasps as they glared at her lips.
"How does it look? it looks good" ?! She said wit a grin
They glanced at each other "uhhh Cinderella"
The doctor was looking nervous as he glared at Cinderella.
"It looks good right" ? She said in a nervous tone
He hands her a mirror.
"You don't like it " ? the doctor said
"What the hell did you to me" ?!
"I made your lips bigger and more plumpy like you wanted me to"
"I look like a hideous duckie, I can't go to prom like this" !
Buffy and Ella was laughing.
"This isn't funny! I want my money back now" !
"I gave you what you wanted Cinderella"
"No you did not ,I'm hella dissatisfied" !
"Did you look at the reviews Cinderella" ? Buffy asked
"Uh oh" Buffy said
"No wonder your ass was $300 , you don't know what the hell you doing" !
"I'm sorry but I gave you lip fillers" !
"No you gave me DICK FILLERS , I lòok disgusting"
"Do you want me to fix it" ?
"NO! your just gonna make it worst"
"So how can I help satisfy you" ?
"By giving me my money back you crook"
He sighs deeply "very well"
"Yeah you better" !
"I will deposit the money back to your credit cards"

"ugh come on girls , let's get the fuck outta here"!
"I'm happy he ain't do our lips" Buffy said
"Right" Ella said
"And if we don't see our money back on our cards , we will be taking your ass to court and suing the hell outta your ass" !
"You will have your money back"
Cinderella runs out crying.
"It's gonna be okay , don't cry"
"I look like a fish ...everybody is gonna be calling me fish lips, oh my gosh this is a disaster"
"Maybe it will look better by the morning, it could just be swelled" Buffy said
"Yeah and maybe you can halfway hide it by applying some lipstick or gloss or something, so it won't be as noticeable"
"Ugh I feel like my entire life is over,like no wonder the bitch wanted us to pay before hand, UGHHHHH, but fuck ....I'll see what happens in the morning"
"We're so sorry this happened to you" Ella said
"Maybe I should just skip prom"
"No you cannot skip prom, you have to go"
"Ugh well my lips better b looking better by that time or I'm not going"
"Yeah , Lemme call this lyft for us" Buffy said

Cinderella was home crying her eyes out.She get a FaceTime call from Jason.She answers , but she was covering her mouth.
"Heyy baby your eyes are red and puffy , was you crying" ?
"A little"
"Why" ?
"Why are you covering your mouth" ?
"I don't wanna talk about it"
"What happened at the lip filler appointment? can I see your lips" ??
"Did the doctor fuck up" ?
She starts crying as she uncovers her mouth.
She cries even harder.
"Oh fuck....dang baby that's why I told you not go to , but you didn't listen"
"I knowwww & I feel so stupid, like this is so embarrassing"
"I told you -you ain't need it"
"I realize that now , gosh how can I be so dumb"
"Your not dumb, you was busy tryna copy those Instagram models"
"Ughhhhh shut up"
"My bad but it's true, like you already had great lips, you ain't need that filler shit"
"I'm getting my money back"
"Good! did Buffy and Ella get their lips done too" ?
"I was the first one to do it , so after they saw me, HELL NO"
"Oh wow yeah that figures, but I'm sorry the doctor fucked you up, I mean dat nigga straight violated yo ass"
"Shut up" !
"Sorry, but have you put ice on your lips" ?
"Get some ice and ointment , and some Tylenol for the pain because your gonna need that for when the numbness wears off"
"Ok doctor Jason, how you know so much about this" ?
"I had a cousin that had a lip filler procedure to go wrong too some years ago"
"Oh wow shit"
"Yeah but take it easy , I'll let you get some sleep"
"Ok thanks for being so supportive and helpful"
"Duhhh I'm your boyfriend, that's my job"
She smiles.

After school Royalty was coming out of gymnastics practice.Jaylen was waiting outside the building for her.
"Hi" he said
It was a tad awkward because of their fight.
"I'm sorry about earlier" he said
"Me too"
"I think things got outta hand"
"Yeah I think so too"
"I really love and care about you Royalty, I just don't want you to go down that bad path again"
"Yeah I know Jaylen , but I'm okay"
He wraps his arms around her.
"Wanna take a ride" ?
"Where" ?
"Okay" she said wit a smile
They hopped in Jaylens new car and sped off down the street.

The windows were down & the fresh cool breeze hit their faces.Jaylen glances at Royalty wit a grin, she glanced back at him wit a smile.He stops the car by a lake.Royalty slowly traces her hands on Jaylen hands as her fingers trickled up his chest.She hops out her seat and straddles him.Both begin to kiss sensually.Everything was quiet and peaceful, and all they could hear was the thump of each other heart beats.The soft kisses , the warm hands, the spine tingling sensations was nothing but euphoric.The feeling of him inside her, felt like paradise itself , and she ain't wanna leave.

Afterwards both was standing by the lake watching the scenery.
"You know I never been on this side of town before"
"Me too"
Royalty laughs "so we at some random lake" ?
"Yeah pretty much"
"I thought it was romantic, hush"
"I don't want you talking to that bitch Becky anymore"
He glances at Royalty. "Ok that was random, but okay"
"Shes bad news, I don't like that bitch in ya air"
"I ain't worried about that white bitch"
"White bitches always taking the black men as it is"
"Well she ain't gon take this black man right here, I got me a beautiful black queen next to me"
"Das right"
He pulls her close. "Your mine forever"
"You mean that" ?
"With all my heart"
She glares up at him wit a smile.
"I don't know about you, but I'm hungry" she says
He laughs. "I seen this diner on our way here , wanna check them out" ??
They hopped in the car & sped off down the street.
To be continued...

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