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Jaylen and Royalty was having themselves a picnic date at the park.They had some sandwiches, yogurt , fruit and grape juice.They also had their notebooks because they wanted to write each other cute love letters.
"Mmm your dad sandwich's are everything, fuck"
Jaylen laughs "they are the best"
"Dude what's his recipe"
"You gotta ask him babe because I don't know"
"I will"
"I was thinking about working at his deli for a part time job"
"Really ? what about the writing club? you wouldn't really have time for that if you have to work"
"Well that's why it would be part time, I'll work on the days that we don't have to go to the writing club"
"Okay that's fair & I don't blame you for wanting to make some extra cash on the side"
"Yeah I need my own money , I don't really like asking my dad for money"
"My parents give me an allowance"
"My dad used too , but then he stopped for like no reason, probably got lazy"
Jaylen laughs.Royalty laughs.
"Well that's okay now if you start working"
"Do u wanna start on the love letters" ?
"Yes" !

Shania and Golden was walking threw the mall.They weren't really talking like that.
"So are you exited for your first Track game" ?
"I know your gonna win"
"Ugh stop saying Mhm"
"Your annoying me"
"We're literally just walking in the mall and I'm tryna make small talk with your ass, how am I annoying u"
"Just is"
"Ugh ...what the hell happened to us" ?
"I don't know Shania...maybe our love is just drifting away"
"I'm just gonna come out and say it ok"
Shania and Golden stands and faces each other.
"Come out and say what" ?
Shania seizes him.
"I think it's time we see other people"
"Oh my gosh what ...? I thought I've been doing a great job in pleasing you "
"It's more than just sucking my dick, I'm a human being you know with feelings and emotions, you barely ask me about my day or what I'm doing in school...shoot you barely even comforted me on Sean's's almost like you've been using me this whole time for clout...I feel like I'm on display or something"
"No Golden ...I like you as a person , not just for your body...I haven't been using you"
"It doesn't even seem that way to me, because I've said I love you , but you never say it back, you always make up an excuse and change the subject"
"Well I'm sorry , but maybe I'm just scared to say it back"
"Only people who don't love someone back is scared of saying it , because they know if they do , they will b lying"
Shania sighs deeply
"Mhm see i knew you didn't love me back"
"I I do love you Golden"
"Your only saying it now because you feel forced and I don't want you to force it...I think it's best if we part ways"
"No Golden please don't leave me , I'll feel helpless without you"
Golden scoffs "that's really fuckin pathetic"
"Please I don't wanna part ways and see other people ..I wanna be with you"
"No , this isn't working, we are not working....I just don't feel that connection anymore, it always felt fake tbh"
Shania begin to get teary eyed.
"No Golden , I love you"
He shakes his head and walks away.
"Please don't leave me Golden" !
She grabs his arms.
"Get off of me, you look crazy"
"Please ...please don't leave me, I'll be lost without u"
He shoves her away and quickly walks off.She sobs uncontrollably.Everybody was looking at her crazy as they passed by.

"Ok so let's swap letters & read them" Jaylen said
"Do we have to read them out loud" ? Royalty asked shyly
she pouts "fine"
"I'll read yours first" ? Jaylen asked
Royalty nods and hides her face.
"Nooo don't hide"
She slowly moves her hands and giggles.Jaylen glances down at the paper.

"Dear Jaylen , ever since you came into my life you changed it for the better and I couldn't imagine myself with no other boy.You make me so happy, I can tell you anything and everything and you always understand and listens.You are the greatest , thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend"
Jaylen sheds a tear and glances up at Royalty, he glares at her almost in shock.Royalty beams into his eyes.
"I'll read yours now" she says wit a smile
He nods and grins.
"Dear Royalty ever since I laid eyes on you , It was honestly love at first sight , I know it sounds corny , but that's truly how I felt in that moment. When I'm talking to you it feels like a breath of fresh air, I love your smile , and your cute little laugh, you are so beautiful, I honestly adore everything about you, your the greatest girlfriend ever, I love you"
Royalty gasps and glares at Jaylen.Her heart skipped two beats.That was the first time Jaylen said he loved her.
"I love you too Jaylen"
They both hugged tightly.Royalty gently grabs Jaylen face, she kisses his lips sensually and with passion, he kisses her back.Royalty slowly pulls away and bites her lip , then she turns around.
"It's not really nobody out here...maybe we can get away with you know what"??
Jaylen smirks and bites his lip "I like the way you think"
Both started kissing again, Royalty falls back on the towel, as Jaylen hops on top.He lifts up her tee and kisses her breasts.She pulls down his jeans.He pulls down her shorts and panties, then she wraps her legs around him.She let out a small gasp , because he was already inside.She bit her lip and moaned in pleasure as he thrusted himself in and out her body.

Chris, Ricky , Japan, Dior, Silver, Winter, Heaven and Snow was at a bowling alley.
"Man I wish my boo Royalty was here" Silver said
"I know right, but she's on her lil date" Winter said
"Aye y'all stop gossiping and bowl" Chris said
"Hush Chris, we talkin girl talk" Silver said
"Nows not the time, this ain't no sleepover, this a bowling party, now come on and bowl"
"Yeah he's right, let's bowl" Winter said
"So you taking his side now" ?! Silver said
"Gurl the boys are legit beating us , we can't let them win and have their victory dance" Winter said
"True" !
"Aye these hot wings are so good, I can barely bowl" Japan said
"Dude please don't get wing sauce on the balls" Ricky said
Everybody laughs.
"Wing sauce on balls" ! Chris said
"I'm deadddddd" Dior said
"Y'all niggas so stupid" Silver said
"They childish AF" Heaven said wit a giggle
"Alright I'm finna bowl girls, watch how I do this" Snow said
"Do ya thang Snow baby" ! Heaven said
"Aye babe watch me kill it" Snow said
"Yeah right , we will see about that" Dior said
"Can I get a kiss for good luck" ?
Dior runs over and pecks her lips "that was actually for bad luck"
She gasps and playfully hits his chest.He laughs and runs back to his bowling station.Snow and Dior both grabbed their bowling balls , railed back and let the balls go.Snow end up making a strike, but Dior hit 3 pins.
"Whohoooo way to go bitch" ! Silver said
"Yessss" !!! Snow screams
All of the girls high five.
"Whoop whoop" ! Heaven shouts
"Periodddddd" Winter shouts
"Dangggg man" ! Chris said
"Ugh my bad y'all" ! Dior said
"And we thought you were the bowling champion, shoot I can't tell" Ricky said
"Shut up , I still am" ! Dior said
"Dude the girls are now in the lead" ! Japan said
Snow and the girls was twerking and giggling.Suddenly everybody phones begin to ding.
"Whoa what's the tea" ? Silver said
Everybody quickly begin to check their phones.
"Oh wow Shania and Golden broke up" Silver said
"Ha that's what she gets" ! Winter said
"We don't know who broke up wit who" Heaven said
"That's still what she gets" ! Winter said
"Hell yeah it is" Heaven said
"That relationship was bound to be thrown in the trash sooner or later" Snow said
Everybody laughs.
"They was too toxic that's why" Chris said
"Yeah and everybody knew that" Silver said
"They barely ever hold hands, it was always like a show when they interacted" Japan said
"Exactly, I was thinking the same thing" Ricky said
"Well fuck em both anyways" Dior said
"Facts" Chris said
"Well let's get back to our bowling" Silver said
"Yeah , no telling what other tea is gonna b spilled before this week is out" Winter said

Shania was busy crying on the bed while Diana and Cinderella comforted her.
"I can't believe he dumped me" !
"Gurl he did not deserve you" Diana said
"Yeah fuck that nigga , it's plenty more in the jungle" Cinderella said
Diana and Shania glanced at Cinderella.
"Yes I said the jungle"
"Ugh Golden was the whole reason I got clout in the first place, and now we're not dating so I won't b popular anymore"
"No you will still have popularity since your classified as his ex, and besides y'all breakup is the talk of the town right now" Diana said
"It is" ?
"Yeah girl, Golden posted about it and now everybody knows and everybody is talking about it , you'd like a celebrity" Cinderella said
"Oh wow that's kind of cool...I think I'm feeling a lil better now"
"Yessss this is gonna be the talk of the school, everybody is gonna be coming up to you and asking you questions about the break up, it's gonna be amazing" Diana said
"Ooh I like the sound of that"
"Yeah & make sure you wear shades tomorrow, so it seems like you've been crying" Diana said
"But I have been crying"
"Exactly my point"

JT and Zayleen was busy having sex at his house while his family wasn't home.
"Mmmm" Zayleen moans as JT hit it from the back
After they finished they laid back on the bed.JT lit his blunt and Zayleen was playing on her phone.
"Do you ever think about your son" ?? Zayleen asked
"I mean he is your kid , do you ever think about him"??
"Sometimes, but it don't phase me because I wasn't even their when he was born"
"Yeah because you was busy having sex with me" Zayleen said wit a giggle
"Mhm exactly, I wasn't worrying about Diana and that child"
"You wouldn't do that to me would you" ?
"Nah I'm crazy about you can have my baby"
"Aww really" ?
"You mean that T"?
JT kisses her lips without answering her question.She kissed him back.

"So Diana did you think of a rumor we can create about Royalty" ? Cinderella asked
"Actually it's better than a rumor" Diana said
"Whoa what is it" ? Cinderella said
"Yeah tell us" Shania said
"Let's photoshop her face on a naked girl body"
"Oh my gosh that is perfect, you know the whole school will believe that's her" Cinderella said
"Ugh but I don't want her getting all the attention from me"
"That picture is gonna ruin her reputation but your breakup won't, it's too completely different things, so you win and she loses"
"Okay I'm definitely on board now" Shania said
Diana grins evilly.
To be continued...

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