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"Soooo anything happen after the tryouts last night?" Namjoon asked as he studied the two boys who were sitting in front of him.
Tae smiled softly and looked towards his boyfriend.
"We're dating which I think you gathered already" Tae laughed.
"Yeah I mean this whole day you've always had some part of your bodies touching each other" Jin chuckled pointing at how Tae's hands were on the younger's inner thigh.

Jeongguk awkwardly blushed and adverted his eyes while shoving off the elders hand. Tae just laughed and placed his hand back.
"Don't be shy bub" Taehyung kissed the boys cheek and placed his hand on his waist.
Jeongguk sighed and rested his head on Tae's shoulder as he continued to shove some food into his mouth.

As the group ate their food while chatting about random things Jeongguk slowly began to fall asleep as he was woken up so early in the morning. He released a small yawn before slipping into a deep sleep. Without even realising Jeongguk moved his head from Tae's shoulder to the elders lap. Tae was startled at first but he moved slightly making it more comfortable for the both of them. Jeongguk was curled up on the bench with his head resting comfortably.

Tae gave him a soft smile and took off his jersey before laying it over the younger, keeping him warm. He then began to softly thread his fingers through the raven's fluffy hair. Jeongguk hummed softly and nuzzled the side of his face into the elders thigh.

"Didn't he sleep last night or something?" Jimin asked as he looked at the younger with a sweet smile of adoration.
"Yeah he did but he did a lot of school work last night and was pretty tired, and I had to wake him up early so he's probably just a bit dozy" Tae explained, making sure his fingertips were only just softly brushing through his hair.
"Bless him, he looks zonked"

As they were talking they were interrupted by a cough. They turned their head around and saw the guy from the tryouts.
"Hello...?" Tae questioned, forgetting what his name was, again.
"Sam, m-my name is sam"
"Ah yeah sorry Sam, how can I help?" Tae then asked still combing his boyfriends hair.
"I just wanted to say well done on getting on the team and I'm happy we'll be seeing much more of each other now and I bought you a gift" Sam said holding out a small heart shaped box.

"You didn't have to get my anything Sam, you got in as well. You don't need to give me anything" Tae chuckled not wanting to be mean.
"Well I wanted to, so please take it" Sam placed it on the table.
"Uh thank you" Tae smiled, not wanting to look at his friends as he knew they were pissing themselves over it.

"Oh where is your jersey? I thought you'd be wearing it?" Sam said noticing how his friends were wearing theirs.
Tae moved his hands away from the younger's head to look at the gift in front of him.
"Oh, yeah someone else is wearing.." Tae was cut off with a small whine and a whispered Tae, which was loud enough for the table to hear but no further.

Tae looked down and saw Jeongguk tiredly looking up at the elder. Tae smiled and caressed the boys cheek before running his fingers through the boys hair again.
"T-Taehyung hyung?" Sam chimed, trying to regain his attention.
"Tae!" Jimin smacked the tigers arm to get Tae to answer Sam, the sooner the better so he could leave them alone.

"What were you saying?" Tae said looking back at the boy standing next to him.
"N-nothing, I'll see you at practice hyung" Sam bowed and ran off.
"That dude is odd" Hobi snorted as he gulped down his last bit of water.
"I agree he's like head over heels for Tae" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"It's fine nothing will happen between me and him, I have Gguk and no one will get in the way of that" Tae smiled, looking down at the boy who fell asleep again with a pout on his lips.
Tae smiled and leant down, pressing his lips on to the younger's, making Jeongguk hum and snuggle into the tigers jersey.

Time passed and the bell rang, Jeongguk was barely awake. Tae sighed and grabbed his and Jeongguk's bag, throwing them both over one shoulder. He removed his jersey from the younger's curled body, throwing it over his shoulder as well. He gently picked the boy up, lifting him into his arms, making the half awake boy wrap his arms and legs around him.

"I'll see you all later, Jin, chim are you going to watch basketball practice?" Tae asked before leaving.
"Yeah of course" Jin latched onto his boyfriends arm, kissing his cheek.
"Okay well I'll see you all later" Tae waved and walked them to Jeongguk's class.

"Baby you need to wake up" Tae chimed, rubbing his back as he walked them to his class.
"Hm don't want to" Jeongguk's mumbled faintly against the elders ear.
"I know but you need to, you need to be awake in class" Tae chuckled hugging him protectively.

Jeongguk sighed and began to open his eyes and before he knew it Tae was already walking into his classroom. Thankfully the teacher wasn't there yet, so they wouldn't get told off.
"Which seat of yours baby?" Tae whispered.
"Window" Jeongguk whispered very quietly knowing everyone was watching the two. Everyone swooned over the senior so it was probably a surprise to them.

Tae walked him to the window seat and sat him down on the seat carefully. He grabbed his jersey and hung it over the younger's shoulders delicately. He then placed the bag on the floor next to where Jeongguk was sitting. Tae bent down and took hold of the boys hands.
"Don't fall asleep okay baby" Tae whispered with a grin.
Jeongguk smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'm gonna go before I get caught. I have practice tonight, will you come and watch?" Tae questioned as he kissed the boys hands before letting go.
'Of course' the junior nodded.
"Okay see you after school" Tae stood up and ruffled his hair before leaving.

When he left everyone turned their head to the back where Jeongguk was sitting and stared right at him. Death glares. Jeongguk hated the glares he got and made himself busy by answering practice questions.

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