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Jeongguk was pregnant, in fact he was now 2 months pregnant. He took a test about 7 weeks ago when he began throwing up every morning for a week, and then felt fine for the rest of the day. They were ecstatic, there wasn't a high chance of Jeongguk becoming pregnant that night. But he was officially pregnant and they couldn't be happier.

The tiger hybrid became so much more possessive, more than usual. If he was around Tae would always make sure he was holding Jeongguk's stomach in some way, even if it was just his tail wrapped around the younger's stomach, it was still something and Jeongguk honestly loved it. Taehyung had also been driving him to school and would pick him up when he finished.

Like today, Mj walked the boy to the spot where Tae parked everyday and waited for the elder to arrive.
"How's the pregnancy going?" Mj asked as she saw on the wall, swinging her legs around.
"Okay I guess, Tae is a dream. I know he's my husband and all but he's a dream. No other would treat me the way he does. He's going to be the best father ever" Jeongguk sighed with a smile.
"I'm glad Gguk, if Tae wasn't treating you well I would have whooped his ass" Mj re-enacted what she would have done, making Jeongguk snort.

Finally the car pulled up and Tae quickly jumped out of the car, hurrying over to his husband.
"Where have you been? You're 20 minutes late! I could have been standing here all alone if it wasn't for Mj! I thought you wanted to collect me after school on time every day" Jeongguk grumbled as he turned to Mj and gave her a massive hug.
Mj could just see the fear on the big tigers face.

"See you soon Jeonggukie, and keep up the scary act" Mj whispered, before winking and ran away.
Jeongguk just moved his head away and walked towards the car, getting inside and waited for the elder.
Tae rushed in the car and turned to the boy.

"I'm so sorry baby, I was stuck on a phone call meeting and it went on for so long"
"I'll only forgive you go get me churros from the churros van" Jeongguk slumped back in his chair.
"Of course darling anything for you" Tae smiled seeing the boy blush.

Taehyung drove for around 5 minutes, till finally they came to the van. Tae parked his car and helped the younger out of the car, quickly wrapping his arm around Jeongguk's side, resting his hand on the boys stomach gently. Jeongguk let him do what he want as he knew he couldn't protest.

There was a big queue, but it wouldn't take too long. They stood in the line, with Jeongguk resting his head on the elders shoulders softly.
The couple were talking about their days till they heard a loud cough. Tae and Jeongguk turned to the side and noticed people standing there roughly the same age as them and few elders.

"Can we help you?" Tae asked.
"Are you okay?" The woman spoke, looking straight at Jeongguk with scared, sympathetic eyes.
"Who me? Y-yeah I'm fine thanks" Jeongguk asked in pure confusion.
"Are you sure? Is this cat here bothering you, or hurting you in anyway? If he's making you uncomfortable or forcing you to be here, you can come stand with us, we'll look after you. I feel like us humans need to stick together, these wild animals are taking over our world" the other woman spoke up, trying to grab Jeongguk's hand.

"W-what, no I'm fine thank you"
"Let go of him" the woman yelled, noticing how the hand on the boys waist tightened, restricting him from going any further.
She leant forward and grabbed Jeongguk's arm, yanking him forwards making him whine in fear.

Taehyung began to lose his shit. He never really had a problem with people yelling at him or calling his names, people were vile and he already knew that. But involving and hurting his wifey was a whole new story. So he quickly shifted to his tiger form and stood in front of the younger protectively. He looked up at the two woman and growled at them possessively.

"WILD CAT" she began screaming, picking up anything she could find to attack the tiger.
People surrounding them jumped in and began throwing stones, litter... at the tiger. But Tae didn't budge, he kept his ground. As long as Jeongguk was safe, that was all that mattered.

"EVERYONE FUCKING STOP" a scream echoed around them.
Everyone stopped and looked at the younger's stoamch. He was indeed pregnant, not heavily pregnant, but it was still noticeable.

There was one rule, never upset or mess with a pregnant person.

"W-we're sorry" she stuttered, trying to calm the boy down.
"No you're fucking not! Get out of my sight" Jeongguk screamed in anger, making everyone rush away, giving them space.
Jeongguk carefully bent down to the tigers level and held his face in his hands. Jeongguk pressed a few kisses to the tigers head, while scanning his body for injuries, which was many.

"Let's go home" Jeongguk whispered, trying his best not to cry.
Tae carefully shifted back to him human self, and helped the younger to the car. It was silent and Tae wasn't holding the younger as tight as he was earlier which made Jeongguk want to cry more but he needed to wait until they at least got home.


Once they arrived, Jeongguk helped the elder through the door and to their shared bedroom. Jeongguk grabbed the medical kit and carefully sat on the bed, sitting right next to the elder. He took the tigers hands into his lap and carefully looked at them.
"Tae" Jeongguk's voice cracked as his eyes began to water. "Why? You don't deserve this. I love you more than anything, I don't want to see you in pain"
"I'm not in pain little one, please don't worry it's not good for you or the baby"

"No I can't not worry, why are there people like that in this world. You'll forever be too good for this world" Jeongguk held the boys hand tight, crying like there was no tomorrow.
"It's okay baby, I'm so proud of you too, thank you for standing up for me" Tae kissed the younger's head lovingly.

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