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  The night had been long ,Jungkook woken up by the pitiful cries of the small boy calling for his brother, each time he had cuddled the small boy in comfort.
  Now it was four o'clock . Jimin woke up head banging and woozy, he glanced around then down to the male sound asleep on his side, his face showing signs of extreme tiredness. He let his eyes travel over the handsome male before quietly slipping from the bed. He saw his clothes on a chair and quickly and quietly dressed. Finding a paper and pen on the desk he wrote one word "Thanks" leaving it on the pillow then left the house quietly, making his way home.
Once there he sat down thinking what to do, all he knew was he didn't want to face anyone, he wasn't sure how he felt about his mother and brother keeping it secret, he wasn't even sure how they had and why suddenly his memories came back. He thought about the dreams he had and that the boy he thought was him ,was his brother.
Suddenly he stood up, knowing where he wanted to go. Packing a bag he wrote a note leaving it on the table addressed to his mother and Jin, then after taking a quick shower he dressed and left for the train station.

Jungkook stretched as he woke up his phone buzzing on the bedside cabinet," hello ,?" He said sleepily.
  " Jungkook it's Jin, when did Jimin leave, he's left this note telling us to not worry he will be in touch, I only came here by chance and saw the note!"
Jungkook shot up looking around quickly," fuck, he's left me again," he thought before seeing the note on the pillow, " I don't know Jin, he was restless and weepy all night, I got so tired I must have gone into a deep sleep," he said , glancing at the clock and seeing it was 10.30.
He assured Jin he'd be right over. Dressing quickly he rushed over to Jimins apartment . There he found Mr and Mrs Min, Jin, Tae, Namjoon and Yoongi , all looking worried.
" where's my baby," cried Mrs Min.
Jungkook looked at all the worried faces," we will find him, don't worry," he assured them. " Tae make sure that asshole doesn't get let free, whatever you have to do, do it"
Tae nodded, " ok, his friends don't seem to be rallying round like they normally do, maybe he's pissed them off as well ."
" right, I'm going to ring Hobi see if he learnt about anywhere Jimin might go....I will find him, don't despair," and with that he ran out to the car, drove to his house packed a few bits and after chatting to Hobi had a few places to go in the hope of finding Jimin.

Jimin felt drained no energy it had taken a while to get there but now he sat there on the grass , raising his soju bottle he spoke,"Jiyong I'm here , I'm sorry I took so long , I couldn't remember that's no excuse, you came to me in my dreams to warn me, why didn't I see that, I'm so sorry it should be me there not you. You always looked after me took the blame when I was naughty, why did you do it, I'm clumsy if I hadn't fallen you would have been ahead, why did you die, is he right I'm bad luck ? Will you forgive me Jiyong?" Drinking steadily from the bottle he soon finished it, so he fished out another from the bag he carried. He looked around the place was so peaceful Jiyong must love it here he thought, I won't go back to the hotel Jiyong I'll stay with you ok, "he said, raising his bottle to the boy sitting beside him smiling," it's ok you don't have to say anything, we should stay together now ok, I love you Jiyong," he cried steadily drinking and talking to the ghost of the boy next to him.
Day turned to night and still he stayed, it drizzled with rain but he didn't notice, intent only on keeping the boy company not caring of the cold and damp seeping into his body.

Jungkook was getting more worried, all day he'd spent travelling to places Jimin  might be. Stopping by the roadside he picked up the file Hobi had once given him, looking through it again, where could he be? Suddenly it came to him....looking at the file he looked where Jimin had been living at the time of his brothers death..... Jimin was going to the cemetery to see his brother .
Driving on he phoned Hobi," hi Hobi check the hotels in Busan I think Jimin has gone there to be with his brother, maybe he checked into a hotel?"
" ok Jungkook , I'll text you an address when I get it,"sure that Jungkook was right.
It was early morning when he arrived at the hotel going to reception he showed the receptionist Jimins photo he had on his phone asking what room he was in, after explaining he had a row with his boyfriend and needed to make up , the woman agreed to tell him.
Walking quickly to the room he noticed the key in the lock outside, worriedly he opened the door catching sight of the bag dumped in the bed but no jimin, checking on his phone he found the location of the cemetery  so taking the key out of the lock and dropping it in his pocket he drove there.
It was a fairly large place , he drove slowly around it looking for the boy. Twenty minutes later he saw a huddle next to a grave. Cutting the engine he rushed over alarmed to see bottles of soju around Jimin who was laying across the grave like he was hugging someone looking pale and sweaty, his clothing soaked.
"JIMIN!!!! Talk to me," he shook the small boy," please Jimin talk to me," the boys eyes opened looking glazed he said" shhhhh! Kookie you will wake Jiyong, see he's here sleeping, he patted the space next to him," it's ok Jiyong he won't hurt you, sssh, sleep" he lay down on the grass, mumbling all the while.
" Jimin baby, we have to go," he gently went to pick the boy up, but Jimin suddenly struggled," Noooo, I can't leave him, Jiyong I won't leave, I'll stay with you don't worry , he struggled in Jungkooks arms screaming at him to let him go," I can't go, I left him before, he's lonely , don't make me go," he thrashed around but Jungkook held him tight , whispering that everything would be alright, but feeling his heart shatter at the small boys grief.
" I left him , I left him kookie...." He gasped before passing out in a worried Jungkooks arms.
Rushing him back to the hotel he got into the room, quickly stripping the boy of his damp clothes and rubbing him dry with a towel, putting him in the bed naked he undressed quickly and climbed into bed pulling the shivering boy to him, letting his body heat seep into the boy rubbing his back until the boy slept deeply allowing him to text Jin that Jimin was safe with him and that he would contact him later.
  Not wanting the boy to wake up and disappear on him he stayed awake constantly hugging the small boy to him , gently kissing his cheeks and whispering reassuring words in his ear.

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