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The weeks passed, Jungkook had tried to get Jimin to commit to him and move in but he wouldn't , still wary of having a proper relationship.
This was increasingly frustrating for Jungkook especially after they spent another Rut/heat together. He was so in love with the boy, he just didn't understand what was stopping him.If he had his way he would tie Jimin to his bed and keep him there.
Another thing that was really starting to annoy him was Jimins flirty attitude, if he ever brought it up with Jimin he was slammed down, told it was none of his business how he acted and then ignored.
Jimin was feeling a bit off, not sure what was wrong but not feeling quite right.He ignored the feeling and carried on with his work, smiling with the customers, laughing at their jokes and generally being the sweet boy that everyone loved . Jungkook watching this from a table with Hobi and Namjoon frowned sullenly.
" when's Tae back," Hobi asked.
"It will be nice to have him living here, Yoongi is pining for him already and it's only been three days," Namjoon said, feeling sorry for the boy.
" Tae has to clear a few things up, good job his brother is also an alpha as Tae never had any intention of running a pack, says he likes the free and easy lifestyle here better," Jungkook laughed remembering Tae asking if it would be ok for him to move here.
Just then Hobi saw someone bump into Jimin, grabbing his waist to stop him falling, why did the man seem familiar?
Jungkook had also noticed and his hands clenched together. The man was chatting to Jimin who nodded and said something smiling his big crescent smile.
A low growl came from Jungkook before Hobi spoke,"Kookie come on , behave yourself" making the Alpha turn to him sheepishly and nodding.

Jimin was suddenly overcome with nausea and slipping to the bathroom he rushed to the toilet vomiting everything that he had eaten up, eugh he thought, he hated being sick, his face was red from leaning over the toilet when a customer walked in, it was the man he'd bumped into earlier, he nodded at Jimin washed his hands chatted for a while asking If Jimin was ok and what was the best hotel ,then left leaving Jimin leaning on the sink washing his mouth out.
Jungkook looked around for Jimin but couldn't see him, then he saw the man from earlier go to the bathroom catching Jungkooks eye and smirking,but he thought nothing of it, 15 minutes later Jimin still wasn't there.
" lost your sweetheart ?don't worry I saw him slip to the bathroom earlier," Hobi chuckled.
Jungkook frowned, he hadn't seen that man come out......... he made his way to the bathroom in time to see the man walk out,tucking his shirt in and smiling," hey man, I like this town, the service the staff give is phew! Mind blowing, if you know what I mean, " he winked and walked on, Jungkook stormed to the bathroom, catching Jimin rinsing his mouth, putting two and two together and making ten.
"Oh hi ,Kookie"
Jimin looked and saw the Alpha was full of rage.
"No wonder you won't commit to me, you just want to be a little slut don't you, you thought I wouldn't notice?"
" Don't fucking Kook me, how much do you expect me to put up with, does it turn you on to pleasure someone in the toilet, is that your kink, you deny me a relationship because you want to fuck and blow anyone now you lost your v card?"
"I-I don't know...." The small boy stuttered , frozen on the spot, not believing what he was hearing.
" YOU DONT KNOW WHAT!!!HOW TO COMMIT, HOW TO BE FAITHFUL,HOW TO FUCKING LOVE SOMEONE,I KNOW THAT...I GIVE UP IM SO DONE WITH THIS" he turned and left leaving Jimin to run and throw up again, before dragging himself out and making his way out of the bar and up the stairs, where he curled up in shock in his bed, feeling his heart break.
Jungkook stormed from the bathroom calling to Hobi and Namjoon to come, seeing his face they quickly followed getting in the car back seat while the others sat in the front and driving off quickly missing the small boy who exited the bar minutes later.
Jungkook paced back and forth across his sitting room," Kook, what is it, tell us?"
"How could he...all this time waiting....then with that...why would he?"
"Your not making sense, who what?"
" that man who bumped into Jimin earlier, came out after saying Jimin had given him a blowjob!"
"That's what I thought, I've been waiting all this time...."
" kook, did you say the man from before?" Hobi frowned, where had he seen him?........"wait, was this the man, "he went to his briefcase pulling out a photograph and passing it to Jungkook.
"Yes this is the fucker,I..."
"Jungkook,did,Erm , did you say something to Jimin?"Hobi asked.
"Of course I did after what he( pointing at the photo) said, I'm not a fool I won't be cheated on!!"
"Oh no no no," Hobi said face looking anguished.
"What?" Namjoon and Jungkook asked.
"Did you actually ask Jimin what happened?"
"No......,but it was obv.....Hobi what's going on?
"I think you've been played, look, turning over the photo they saw details on it name, age and....who he worked for....Mr Park."remember you asked me to get info on his associates?"
Jungkook froze, what the fuck had he done, thinking of what he had said to the small boy, his face paled, guilt overcoming him, he looked at Hobi who was on the phone talking to someone, he heard the mans name mentioned, a few minutes passed and Hobi looked at Jungkook," he's in the Serendipity hotel."
Jungkook raced to the car the others following but this time Jungkook drove , racing over the speed limit and quickly getting to the hotel. Walking into the hotel he walked to the reception desk giving the name and asking what room the man was in, knowing the Alpha and seeing his grim face the information was given.
Getting to the room Jungkook wasted no time using his strength to kick the door open he was in the room and holding the shocked man down in seconds.
"What did he tell you to fucking do?" He growled.
"What ,what do you mean"
"I mean what did that fucker Park tell you to do and don't lie to me, I'm in no mood for lies," he said, partly shifting so his claws dug into the mans neck.
Gulping fearfully at the strong Alpha, he told him how Mr Park had called from Prison, Telling him to stir things up for Jimin and his mate, make the alpha leave him." I had to, he knows stuff about me he's evil and he really hates his son."
Jungkook stepped back releasing the man and shaking." That bastard made me doubt my mate, I was horrid to him, didn't give him a chance how could I, I'm supposed to cherish my mate not hurt him , I'm as bad as his father.."
Turning he ran from the room intent on getting to the bar further down the road.
Rushing in the bar he looked around, no Jimin, seeing Jin he quickly asked," where's Jimin?"
"He left early, not feeling to good?"
Quickly running out the bar and up the sidesteps he knocked loudly on the door,"Jimin! Jimin please let me come in I'm so sorry, I shouldnt have doubted you, I was jealous Jimin please, open the door, I need to tell you!!!"
The door opened slightly, the room behind dark, the figure of the small boy standing there eyes red face pale and a lost expression on his face, Jungkook went to go in but,"No, say it there," jimin said in a quiet voice.
Jungkook explained all not leaving anything out, apologising over and over.
Jimin nodded then went to close the door," wait Jimin can I come in?"
"No jungkook, you called me a slut you believed something rather than let me speak, you made me feel like trash........., I don't want to see you again" and he quietly shut the door.
Jungkook fell to the floor crying," Jimin please, I love you I'm so sorry I misjudged you,"
The door stayed shut and eventually the sad Alpha made his way home, not knowing how he could fix things.

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