Chapter Five

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!TRIGGER WARNING! Swearing, homophobia, mentions of self harm

Dream's POV

Now I have to go on a date with my "girlfriend" who I can't even stand. Fuck me. I guess I have to start getting ready.

No one's POV

Dream searched his closet for a white smile hoodie and black ripped jeans. He also wore a necklace George sent him about a year ago. The chain was small and silver and the charm on the necklace was a yellow mushroom. George always loved mushrooms and wanted to get Dream a small green mushroom. Due to his colorblindness he accidently got a yellow one. None the less that made Dream love it even more. They were a set Dream possessing the yellow one and George possessing the red one. When the two necklaces were close they would attach magnetically.

(Quick A/N set found on etsy the creator is HungryDogDesign if you want them they come in a couple colors.)

Dream always made the joke about how he knew they were always attracted to each other. In all seriousness he thought it was the cutest gift George could ever give him, but now he is wearing it on a date with his girlfriend. He tucked the necklace under his shirt got in his car and drove to Rena's house to pick her up.

Dream's POV

"Took you long enough. What are you wearing?" Rena said with disgust.

"What is wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked genuinely confused. 

"Are you gay or something? Guys don't wear necklaces."

"What's wrong with being gay?"

I might punch her if she says some bullshit about the bible.

"It's wrong. Liking the same sex is a sin and just plain disgusting."

"Get out."

"What? I'm your girlfriend you cant just kick me out of your car."

"I said Get. Out. Now."

"No. Why are you so upset over this? You're straight so why do you care?"

"How dumb are you?"

"I'm not dumb Clay."

"I'm gay you idiot. I don't like girls the only reason I started dating you was to piss off someone I like and get them to confess to me."

"Are you fucking kidding me? So I have been nothing but a pawn in your little game this whole time!? No wonder that person won't confess you're a fucking asshole. Go rot in hell you gay bitch." Rena said getting out of the car and slamming the door.

Well that went well. A pretty good date if I do say so myself. Fuck now what am I gonna do? I can just lie and say we are still together. I mean she doesn't even know my channel name so it's not like she can call me out for it. Ok so I pretend we are still dating. 

George's POV

I woke up to the sun stinging my eyes. I got up and instantly remembered what happened last night. Shit. I'm supposed to see Tommy and Wilbur today. It's too hot for a hoodie. I'll wear one anyways. They can't see my cuts. I got up and grabbed a big black smile hoodie and put on blue jeans. On my dresser I noticed the necklace I bought as a set for me and Dream he has the other mushroom which I meant to be green but apparently it's yellow. They magnetically attach to each other. I thought it was a good way for us to feel connected. And when we finally meet up we will connect the mushrooms. I put it on and headed out the door to the train station. I rode the train up to Brighton to meet up with Tommy and Wilbur. We were filming a new Tom Simons vlog. "Doing the Most Insane Rock Climbing in England". Is the title Tommy came up with. After a boring train ride of listening to heatwaves on repeat he showed up to the rock climbing place. 

"Why the fuck are you wearing a hoodie it's 31.7 degrees dude. It's too hot for that shit." Tommy said in his childish voice as always.

"I figured we were inside so it wouldn't matter much."

"Whatever. And you're repping Dream in the vlog. I am in the presence of a Dream simp."

"At least he isn't a simp for Queen Elizabeth."

"Wilbur! You're supposed to be on my side."

"That would be very brotherly of me to you wouldn't it. So George you're a Dream stan" Wilbur said puffing his chest out to seem cool.

"Stop doing that you look like a loser. I mean you are the middle child." Tommy says dying from his own joke.

"I'm calling Dad." Wilbur says as he starts to ring Dadza.

"NONONONONONONONO he's gonna yell at me for exposing the family ages between you and techno please Will. Don't be a snitch." Tommy says pleading.

Meanwhile I'm just standing there watching this all unfold just glad they dropped me wearing a hoodie and are worrying about other things. If this is how the whole day goes hiding my cuts will be a breeze.

"Hello?" Phil says over the phone.

"Don't do it Will please." Tommy says whining.

"Tell Tommy to man up and climb the biggest wall. Actually wait a second I'll call you back so we can put it in the vod."

"Okay" Phil says hanging up.

"Thank you Will! You are the best big bro ever. Lets start filming." Tommy yells now excited to start the vlog.

Meanwhile I was holding the camera most of the time as I told them I didn't really want to be filmed that much today as I wasn't feeling the best. Which they completely understood and were fine with so they could focus more on the brother dynamic than the trio. As Tommy and Wilbur did their thing in the almost empty gym things went smoothly. Well almost.

"Heh. You should climb that wall next Tommy."

"Nah that one's too high George."

"Dad did tell you to climb the tallest wall."

"Wiiillllll I don't want to tho." Tommy said whining again.

"Do it pussy boy."

"Fine I will just to show how awesome and manly and poggers I am."

Tommy did it with easy I don't get why he was so nervous. The place got a little busier and kids were running around then of course a kid spilled his water all over me. I ran to the bathroom quickly to dry my hoodie. Then of course at just the perfect timing Will came in.

"George what did you do?"

"It's really not that bad. I promise I'm fine."

"No it's not fine. How long has this been going on?"

"Only a day before that I haven't cut myself since I moved out."

"Why did you do it?"

The only question I couldn't answer. In the moment I thought it was because of Dream or my past trauma with my parents but neither of those answer feel right. Maybe it's just because I felt numb or worthless. I don't know why I did it the urge just came over me. How do I explain that to Will.

"I don't want to talk about it. Also please don't tell Tommy."

"I won't but George call me before you do anything like this again. Okay?"


Just like that the day went on like normal and was over. I went home and went straight to sleep I was so tired from the stress and anxiety of today.


Thoughts, feelings, concerns?

My work just went to weekends only so I have a lot more time to write for a bit so I'm hoping to get ahead on some chapter so all I'll have to do is hit publish but maybe another chapter today. Idk.

Word Count: 1,238

Get some sleep and drink some water ~Vixcia

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