Chapter 3

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A/n: Hey guys! The last two chapters were pretty short but this one will be longer and hopefully a bit better.

Third person pov:

The room was quite as the reality of Denki's words sank in.  Finally, Bakugo broke the silence. "Ehe? An imposter? What the hell are you talking about, dunce face!" Denki looked up. "I don't know, I was only listening for a minute. That was all I heard."

 "Are you sure you heard right? If you were only listening for a minute than are you absolutely sure they were really talking about an imposter at UA? And besides, why would Aizawa and Present Mic be in the teachers lounge, it's a Saturday morning, wouldn't they be at their house?"

 Everyone turned to see who'd spoken. Leaning against the wall, still in their pyjamas, stood Sero.

 "I'm telling the truth!" Denki cried desperately , only to be cut off by bakugo. "Wait, when the hell did the walking flex tape get here?!"   "I've been here the whole time" Sero said calmly, tugging on a strand of their hair.

Bakugo growls a bit muttering something about "damn soysauce"

Bakugo pov:

I swear that dumbass wasn't there a second ago. I guess they just woke up or something.

Those fucking extras started talking again, asking questions and debating who the imposter was. I was sick of it. "I need some air" I mutter, grabbing shitty-hairs wrist and dragging him outside with me, pushing dunce face out of the way in the process.

Kiri-SHITTY-HAIR followed, half stumbling, half jogging to keep up with me. We didn't stop walking until I'd dragged him basically in pointless circles for a while before stopping behind the dorms, not remembering that I was still holding onto his wrist. I slowed to a halt and he almost crashed into me, his lips accidentally brushing against my neck. I stiffened, wondering why my face felt hot and my stomach was turning.

"Hey bakubro, you ok?"  He asked, turning to look at me.

"Wha- oh yeah, whatever shitty-hair!" I said, suddenly realising that I was now holding his hand and dropping it instantly.

He looked around as if just realising where we were. "Why'd you bring me out here, Bakubro?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall next to him, just close enough for his shoulder to gently brush mine as he looked at me. "I didn't want to be around any stupid extras for a while. You can go if you want."

 "I - bro... You don't think I'm a 'stupid extra'?"

He looked so...emotional..? "Tch, whatever dumb hair. You don't have to stay if you don't want to." I mutter, avoiding eye contact. Why do I feel like that whenever I look at him? It's like there are explosions going off in my stomach. Maybe I'm sick? Whatever it is, it's probably that stupid ass damn broccoli nerds fault!

He raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his head to look at me again. "I think I'll stay" he said, grinning like an idiot.

I looked down, suddenly fascinated by my shoes. "Whatever" I mutter again.

He looks up at the sky, now admiring the clouds for some reason. "Soooo...what do you want to do?" He asked, still looking at the clouds.

 "I don't know, what do you want to do? " I ask, looking over at shitty-hair, watching him stare at the sky. He looks so...peaceful... even beautiful...WAIT 

 "Huh?" He said, snapping out of his trance and looking at me. Our eyes meet. DAMMIT SHITTY-HAIR, WHY ARE SO FUCKING CUTE ALL THE TIME?!

"I...." Great, now I sound like stupid, shitty, pathetic fucking Deku! 

"Hey bakubro, you sure you're ok? You looked really flushed."  He stepped towards me, putting his hand against my cheek to feel my temperature.

I'm acutely aware of how close he is to me, how soft and cool his hand is against my face. My palms start to sweat and a few sparks shoot from my hands. 

He takes a step back looking concerned. "I'm sorry, I should have asked. Do you want me to take you to recovery girl? You're burning up."

"I said I'm fine, shitty-hair!" I growl, avoiding eye contact and shoving my hands in my pockets. "ooookay...?" He frowned.  I rolled my eyes, looking anywhere except at his face.

He went back to starring at clouds, smiling slightly. We stood there for a while, neither of us saying anything.

Kirishima pov:

We stay there, staring at the sky in silence. My mind was in a constant debate, should I say something or should I be quite? Should I try to tell him how I feel or should I shut up because it'll probably ruin our friendship?

Every once in a while the side of my brain that wants nothing more than to shove him against the wall and fuck him senseless, will start to win and I'll look at him like I'm going to say something but then the rational and sensible side stops me from forming coherent sentences so I just end up staring at him like an idiot.

I should tell him! No this isn't the right time! What is a better time? Maybe he likes me back? No, he's probably not into guys. But maybe...? Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. "Fuuuuck -"...oh...I said that out loud, didn't I? Well no turning back now.

He turned to me, blinking in utter confusion.

"Did...did you just swear?"

""  *smiles in gay*

"Ok," he says shaking my shoulders violently "what the fuck happened to you?? I've never heard you swear once in your life! shitty-hair, are you ok?" 

 "I..."  I would like to give him a proper answer but it's taking all my will power not to laugh at the fact that he is now pinning me against the wall.

"Oi, dumb hair! You listening?"

" Wha- oh yeah, of course bakubro! 

Bakugo pov:

"Tch, whatever shitty-hair" I roll my eyes and let go of him, starting to walk back around the corner.

"Bakubro, wait!"  I turn. "What is it, weird hair?" His face suddenly turned a sort of red colour. "I ummm..." He paused. " Spit out already!" I say impatiently, rolling my eyes. 

Kirishima pov:

"I like you." I say, barely above a whisper.


I sigh. "Forget it" I mumble. He stares at me for a few seconds before shrugging and walking back inside. I stay there for a few minutes, mentally cursing myself.

Bakugo pov: 

He likes me?.....

A/n: I hoped you liked this chapter, like I promised, it was a bit longer and I hope, a bit better than the last two! Sorry I took a while to update, I wanted to revises this chapter before posting it. Let me know who you think the imposter is!

Word count: 1154

Have a good day/night!


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