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Yunho POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to crying.I opened my eyes to see Mingi laying on his back,quietly wheeping.


"S-sorry Yunho...."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing."He wiped at his eyes.

"It's clearly not nothing."I sat up and began wiping his tears and then held his face in my palms.

He looked at me,eyes and face puffed up and lips turned down into a frown.His chest moved irregularly as he tried to control his breathing.

"Was it a nightmare?"I asked,brushing my thumb over his cheek.

He shook his head."I just miss them."


"Joo and Kyun."

"Oh honey...."

"I though about the night we brang them home.The night we discovered they knew each other.When we went to the meadow.Just........it's a lot..."

I pulled him up and into my arms,trying to somehow ease his pain.As he cried,voices sounded in my head.

"You did this."

I balled my shirt into my boyfriend's shirt.

"It's all your fault."

Hongjoong POV

I woke up to knocking at the door.As my sences returned to my body,I felt someone stir under me.I looked up and saw Seonghwa reaching up to rub his eyes.It seemed like I had fallen asleep on top of him last night,since he we were in the same clothes as yesterday.He noticed me and looked down,smiling at me.

"Morning."He said with his groggy morning voice.

I had missed it.

"Morning."I smiled back.

I cuddled my head back into his chest and hugged him tight.He reached out and rubbed my back.After those few days of separation,I couldn't get enough of him.

"We have to get up~"He finally said.



"You want to hear it in English?No!"

He laughed and placed his hands on my sides,slowly rubbing them up and down.

"We have to go see the others."

I sighed."You're right."

I tried getting off him,but was too lazy to do so.He sat up,picked me up by the thighs and got up with me in his arms.He put me down on a chair and grabbed a hairbrush.He stood behind me and began brushing my hair.

"I know you like being pampered."


He did my hair until it looked decent,making me feel like a king throughout the whole process.When he was done,he put the brush away and kissed my head.All of us had learned to enjoy moments like this and make the most of them before something went wrong again.

"Let's go to the others,shall we?"Seonghwa suggested.


I stood up and together,we went to the bathroom,bushed our teeth quickly and made our way downstairs.The others were already there,talking with each other.We heard a squeak coming from the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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