Last day to meet them......

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Ali:*sigh* Today is the last day of my exam.And last day to meet them......

Ghazali:Ali,have you tell to anyone?

Ali:Not yet.

Ghazali:Ali,i know you will tell them.It hard to lose your friends.Hey,at least give them things to remember you.Beside i got promoted,so we gonna move to United States Of America

Ali:Ok.I'll promise.But when we gonna move?

Ghazali:If i'm not mistaken,i schedule at 7 pm.


Ghazali:Yes,i'll promise.


After exam.......

Viktor:Hey,Ali.Today we can play game as much we want.

Ali:But i can't.Because i have moving to USA.

Viktor:Wow,you should be proud.You move to the most richest country.

Ali:Yeah.....Hey,i have to go.

Viktor:Hey,what about we say our secret goodbye?

Ali:Secret goodbye?

Viktor:Yes.Like this.*arm wrestling*


Viktor:CUN!!That's your favourite word,man.


Viktor:Now,goodbye,Ali.You my best friend.Goodbye,lazy.

Ali:Goodbye,best friend.*almost cry*Now,i have to say goodbye to all of them.

Ali go to find Alicia and he found her waiting at the store room.Ali run to her.

Alicia:Ali,where did you go earlier?

Ali:I say to friend goodbye because......

Alicia:Because what?

Ali:I tell you later in the lift.

In the elevator.......


Alicia:Ali,you want to tell something to me.So tell me what is it?

Ali:The thing is.......I'm moving.




Ali:I'll explain.Before 2 weeks we got a exam,papa got promoted.He said that he......i forgot.But it's important to him.

Alicia:Ok.So,when do you move?

Ali:Tonight.We got 6 hours to spend time.In 6:30 pm,i move.

Alicia:Ali,you kinda change.


Alicia:Your personality.......a bit dark like Rudy.

Ali:Well,thank you.

The elevator stops and go to academy.......

Moon:Hey,you both.How feeling the trip?Hey,Ali.What a long face.

Khai:Ali,cheer up.Today is your last exam.Now,we can celebrated.


Rudy:Heh,Ali.Why you kinda intimidating me?

Ali:The thing is i don't wanna become agent MATA anymore


Ali:I'm leaving.

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