Tragic Day and Lose Memories.....

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At the airport.......

Ghazali:Ali,you ready?

Ali:I'm ready.

In the airplane almost take off........

Ghazali:Goodbye,home,Aliya and Bakar.One day,i will back.

Ali:Hmmmm.......Goodbye,......friends,Malaysia love.

Ghazali:Ali,one day you will come back to Malaysia,someday.


Halfway to the US......

Ali:*call Rudy*Hey,Rudy.

Rudy:Hey,Ali.Have you arrived?

Ali:No,dude,i'm halfway from Malaysia.Also,it already six hours more to the US.

Rudy:Oh,so that mean's you halfway to the US?

Ali:Yes,and how's Alicia?

Rudy:I don't know.Maybe she's sleep and why you gonna call me in 1 f*cking am?

Ali:Sorry,dude.Just scared that Alicia crying.

Rudy:You literally a simp.Beside,Alicia look like Mikasa Ackerman when she wear your gift scarf.

Ali:I know.And i'm the Eren Yeager. idiot.

Ali:Yep,i'm an idiot.

Rudy:Damn.Are you awake all the time?

Ali:Yes.I just watch the picture of me and Alicia fighting from my uncle take a picture a month ago.


Ali:So,did she like the gift I gave her?


Ali:Hey,in......9 am,in Malaysia.I will call you.


Ali:Bye,Shadow.*hang up*

Rudy:What? hung up. them.It's time to sleep.

5 hours 45 minutes later.......

Ghazali:Hey,Ali.We almost here.

Ali:Ok.15 minutes later......I gonna call him.

Suddenly,a plane heading towards to them and crash to each other.Both planes felling and landing to the border of Nevada and California.Ali's right armbone broken and his left head halfbleeding......

Ali:Shit,this isn't  suppose to be happen.*faint*


Suddenly,a man with a black aura approching to the planes.......

???:What happening?It that you,Ghazali?

Ghazali:Yes,friend.I'm Ghazali and this is my son,Ali.I didn't tell him about the Foundation.

???:Can you keep up?

Ghazali:My body injured very bad,so no.I can't keep up.Can you take care of my son?

???:Maybe i can.And his phone are ringing up,do you......


??? take the phone and press the call button.Rudy voice can be heard......

Rudy:Yo,Ali.Have you arrived?

Ghazali:Yes,we arrived but unfortunately,we got crashed.

Rudy:What?So,who is this?!

Ghazali:This is Ali's dad.Ali already faint.


Ghazali:Ummmm.....So,Ali's friend,please don't tell to the others about this because Ali will adopted by my Japanese friend,Kenji Fujimoto.

Rudy:Are you serious?

Ghazali:I'm serious,Ali friend.Goodbye,Ali.I'm sorry to take care of you........*become lifeless*

Rudy:Mister,mister,MISTER!!!Are you okay??

Kenji:Sorry friend but his dad already dead.So,you as a listener.Don't tell to anyone not even his girlfriend.


Kenji:Also i will crush this phone.


Kenji crush Ali's phone with his feet and hung up......

Rudy:Dang it......

Kenji:Kid,i will take care of you.No matter what happen to you,my tomodaci(Friends) will take care of you,Ali.

Kenji teleport to his sportscar......

Kenji drive to his garage and go to the his basement to aid his body

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Kenji drive to his garage and go to the his basement to aid his body.He replace his right arm with a robot parts.Few moments later after attached the robot arm to his right arm,Kenji goes to the kitchen to make some food for Ali.Suddenly,Ali wakes up and watch his right arm got replace with a robot arm.His headed got wrapped by a bandage,blocking his left eye.......

His headed got wrapped by a bandage,blocking his left eye

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Ali:Where am I?What's happening?Why am i here?

He hear a sound of eating and smelling a food.Ali goes to the smell and he met a guy who sits at the chair eating a tempura.......

Kenji:Oh,you finally awake.

Ali:Where am I?And who are you?

Kenji:You in my house,kid.Come sit and eat.Tell me about the crash.

Ali:What crash?

Kenji:Wait,you don't remember anything?

Ali shook his head to responded.......                                                                                                          

Kenji:Not even your name?

Ali:No,i can't remember my name or my life.

Kenji:Hmmmm........Ok.He has retrograde amnesia.Ok,your now name is......Hakage Fujimoto.


Kenji:Don't call me sir,call me Dad.


Kenji:Now,let's eat.

Ali or Hakage eat tempura with his adopted father,Kenji.He now live a new home,Kenji's house......

To be continued........

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