Make new memories and meet the senior........

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Rudy:No........It can't be.But atleast,he got adopted.

Jet:Hey,Rudy.What just happen?

Rudy:Oh,Jet.Ummm......I just call Ali.He's went to sleep after he move.Hehe.

Jet:That's a good news.


A day after the incident........

Ali:Dad,ummm......when can i learn Japanese?

Kenji:Tonight after 6 pm.Make sure you take care of house and there's food in the fridge.

Ali:Ok,dad.So,can i watch some movies in Netflix?

Kenji:Sure,Hakage.You can but don't watch the +18 content.




Kenji go out of the house to work.Ali just staying at home,watching some movies.......

Ali:I'm bored.....How about i go out and meet some neighbour......

Ali go out of his house and meet a boy who younger than him......

Jay:Hi.Name's Jay,Jay Smith.

Ali:Hi,Jay......Name's Hakageryu Fujimoto.

Jay:Oh......You Fujimoto kid?

Ali:Well,i adopted.


Ali:Yesterday when he save me but i can't remember what happen to me.All i know is that he replace my right arm with a robotic arm because i have crictical damage and i have bandage at my left eye.

Jay:Oh......So,you are a cyborg!


Jay:Wow,no wonder why Mr.Kenji has brought you yesterday.

Ali:Ok......So,did every neighbour saw us?

Jay:One thing for sure,yes.Every neighbour saw you faint at the hand of Mr.Kenji.Then,all of us peek your adopted father house to know what happen to you.Then,in the night,my dad said that you eating with him.It's that true?

Ali:Yes.Also,do you have a videogame?

Jay:Yes.Do you want to play?

Ali:Of course.

Almost 6:00 pm.........

Ali:Oh,it's almost 6:00 pm.I gotta go home before dad comes home.

Jay:Dude,your house right next to my house.Beside,he always nice to everyone.

A doorbell can be heard at Jay's house.Ali open the door and meet his adopted dad......


Kenji:Son,ready to learn Japanese?

Ali:Yes.Bye,Jay.I had to go home.


Ali and Kenji goes to his house to learn the Japanese lesson........

Kenji:There's a three category of Japanese word or characters:Kanji,Hiragana,Katakana.

Ali:So,what the difference?And how difficulity to pronounce each category?

Kenji:Hmmm....Each category is  easy,medium and hard.Katakana is pretty simple because Katakana has Latin word.For example,dragon for Doragon and family for famiri.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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