Chapter Twenty-Two; A Team Or A Family

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*Peter's POV*

Peter got to the apartment as quickly as he could once school let out, he even resorted to changing into his suit and swinging a part of the way. He was desperate to get home and ask May about the internship. A small part of him was undeniably excited for this opportunity, but a larger part of him was just nervous.

Peter hadn't even thought about the fact that his hero life and normal life could collide because of this internship. Spider-Man was already in an alliance with the Avengers, which was great and there was nothing wrong with that. But now Peter would be working at Stark Industries, at the Avengers Tower. The thought of meeting any of the Avengers as Peter Parker instead of Spider-Man was terrifying— there were so many ways he could slip up around them! It would be scarily easy for them to connect the dots if they looked close enough, from voices to body shapes and small mannerisms that can't be changed, it could all give away his identity.

Did Peter really want to risk his identity for an internship? Sure— this was the opportunity that he had been waiting for since he was a kid, but he had dedicated his life to being Spider-Man. Being the masked hero meant Peter Parker had to make sacrifices. His normal life wasn't as important as all the lives he could say as his hero-counterpart.

The only thing that mattered to Peter was May and his friends, but everything else could be sacrificed. His identity needed to stay a secret, Peter had known that he would need to make serious choices when he became Spider-Man, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he might need to sacrifice the internship.

Peter Parker wanted to accept the internship so badly, but Spider-Man could be compromised because of it, and that wasn't something that he could risk. But, for once, Peter wanted to be selfish. Was it so much to ask for? He wasn't even fifteen yet and he was making sacrifices that most adults couldn't make! It wasn't fair.

  Peter sighed and shook his head as he walked up the stairs to the apartment, he had known this life wouldn't be fair. He stood outside the door to the apartment, feeling apprehensive. Should he even ask? If he changed his mind and decided the internship was too much of a risk how would he explain that to May? She knew how much he wanted to go to Stark Industries so if he changed his mind she would definitely be suspicious.

  Peter took in a deep breathe and steadied his thoughts. Peter Parker deserved something for once. He could juggle his two lives, and if he ever thought that he couldn't then he could just quite the internship.

  With a firm nod, Peter pushed open the door and walked in, his confidence wavering as he spotted May sitting at the kitchen table.

  The two of them hadn't spoken more than a sentence to one another over the past few weeks, each living entirely different lives at this point. Thankfully, May wasn't taking any pills or rushing out the door currently so he could actually talk to her.

  "May?" Peter spoke softly as he closed the door and dropped his bag on the ground, walking over to the table and sitting across from his aunt while she looked up with tired eyes. "Um... I was wondering if I could ask you something?" Peter said unsurely, wringing his fingers nervously while May sat up straighter and tried to force a smile on her face, though it looked more like a grimace.

  "I... I was offered an internship..." He started, the anxiety trickling away as a real smile graced May's lips. "At Stark Industries." Peter finished with a confident smile, realizing that May was just as happy as he was about the news.

  She jumped up and squealed, rushing over to engulf him in her arms. She kissed the top of his head and gave an airy laugh. This was the most energy he had seen her express in weeks and it was so relieving. "Oh, Peter, that's great!" May exclaimed happily, only for the smile to drop off her face when a beep emitted from her phone.

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