Chapter Twenty-Eight; Flickers Of Anger

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*Peter's POV*

Look, Peter is a teenager and teenagers do stupid shit. Really— it's never on purpose, but it still always seems to happen. Like right about now.

Despite his academic record, Peter had a long history of making dumb decisions. Book smart does not equal street smart, that is something everyone should really think about. And so, occasionally, the things that Peter does can seem very idiotic for someone with straight A's.

Example one; after leaving his bedroom, adorned in his suit, he had gone out in the hopes to run into Deadpool, who was somehow the first person that he had thought to go looking for when he needed to distract himself.

Though, this was not the truly stupid thing that he had done. No— everything was fine. Just like he had thought, Deadpool had miraculously found him, and they just talked.

But in his haste to leave behind his anxious thoughts, Peter had really neglected to think the whole plan over. Deadpool was, unfortunately, a well-known mercenary with a rather large target on his back. And with Peter's splendid luck, he should have known that something bad would happen the moment that they let their guard down.

Deadpool was in the middle of some random rant about sparkly dildos (Peter truthfully could not tell a single soul how the conversation had brewed down to this particular subject) when his Spidey Sense went through the roof.

One second, he was idly listening to his new friend angrily talk about sex toys, and the next he was pushing said-friend over the edge of the rooftop that they had been sitting on.

Multiple bullets flew over their heads like rain from hell, but Peter had been able to get them both out of the line of fire.

The duo was free falling for a moment before Peter grabbed Deadpool around the waist, ignoring the sassy remark and slew of jokes that left the mercenary's mouth as he did so, and shot a web towards the nearest building.

Peter and Deadpool came down hard, skidding across the dusty rooftop of the building next to the one that they were just sitting on moments ago. He sat up, gasping for air as adrenaline pumped through his system, and looked around wildly. He couldn't see anyone— where were they?

Peter looked over to make sure Deadpool was alright, despite the fact that he knew he was (invincibility or something of the sort, how lucky) and saw the man laying in a starfish position with a pout present on his mask (he had given up on trying to understand how that worked).

"Damn— we were bonding and they just had to ruin our moment!" He huffed, crossing his arms from his position on the ground. Peter rolled his eyes under his mask and stood up, yanking the mercenary up by the front of his suit. "Ow— Spidey, I'm sensitive!" Deadpool complained, but he cooperated nonetheless, standing beside Peter with the same laidback aura surrounding him.

"Okay, so I'm assuming this has something to do with you considering the fact that I really only piss off smalltime thugs, whereas you're the mercenary that who-knows-how-many-people want to kill." Peter quipped while wearily glancing around again, feeling completely exposed on the roof. But his Spidey Sense wasn't going off— he wasn't sure whether that was good or bad at the moment.

"We should get somewhere more secluded, less open." Peter mumbled while his eyes roamed the area around them, looking for a good direction to go, but he had no idea where to go.

"C'mon, kid, take a few breathes and calm yourself." Deadpool said while crossing his arms behind his head, looking entirely at ease. "I caught a glimpse of one of the people who shot at us— they're a really small group that hates me because I took out their douchebag of a boss." Peter really tried not to flinch at the idea of Deadpool, who had been nothing but nice to him as of yet, taking the life of another person without so much as a second thought. "They're harmless, really. Lemme go track them down and I'll take 'em out for good."

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