Chapter 1. When The Normal Turns Into Chaos.

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(Side note: this story begins with Joey in his thoughts. Whenever I write "like this" it means that the character is having a dialog with themselves in their head. Whenever I write "like this"  it's something the character is saying out loud. When I write "like this" it's usually from a second or third perspective.
I hope you enjoy this wonderful story I wrote!)

It's been a while since I had met up with the gang. About a year soon. Yugi was off working with his grandpa on creating a new game. Tristan was off working for his dad as a car technician. Tea was off in some fancy American school where she was taking dance lessons and Duke... well... Duke did what Duke did best, aka was a fancy wannabe star on some random tv channel trying to hold his game relevant!
What happened to Bakura? No one knows for sure... buuut we would like to think that he's better now since the world is kind of normal again.
No demons...
No shadow realms...
No spirits from this or other dimensions stuck in weird artifacts.
Duel monsters was now just a normal game for people to play, and this time, it seems like it'll stay like that for a long time, which is kinda boring in a sense. You kind of miss the adrenaline. Maybe we could get that adrenaline kick again by doing card games on motorcycles since that really gives someone an adrenaline boost! Naa.. that's kinda stupid though, who would want to play card games on motorcycles? It's not like I can even afford a new duel disk...
Now my minds just going to weird places...

Joey sighed out and give himself a soft slap on the cheeks to snap out of it. He was laying down on his rusty old bed that made way to much noise from just a single movement. He hadn't slept well for a few days now, and tonight wasn't any different.

He sat up on his bed, rubbing his back and then stretching his arms.

"It's already 04:30am. Now's no good time to sleep no more"

He made a loud grunt as he got up. Feeling more freely in his own apartment he had just managed to get ahold off. It wasn't much. It was a one roomed old space. He had a small kitchen space with a microwave and a refrigerator that sounded like a ticking time bomb that was about to explode. A wardrobe with his clothes and shoes, and in the middle of the room was a kotatsu (Japanese low table).

"I'll try to sleep there next time."

Joey grunted out to himself as he was getting ready to go to work. He'd been working constantly in order to get ahold of this apartment. He knew it was going to be hard to do, but he never knew it was going to be this hard. It was a shady street he lived on, but anything was better that to live with his old man, the man who'd abused and used Joey for years.

Joey was 19 now. A free man to do whatever he wanted. He had dreams to do other stuff, but they had to wait. Joey had to get out of his fathers hands years ago, so finally being freed was worth sacrificing everything, even his friends. Since Joey was constantly working, he didn't have time to play games anymore, he didn't have time to meet up with them and he didn't have money to buy a phone so he couldn't keep contact with them like that either.

Life's shit right now, but it'll get better. I just have to keep going.

Joey kept telling himself that everyday.

He finally got to work. He was working at the K.C cafeteria.

Yeah... that K.C.

Kaiba Cooperation... How he ever got that jobb is still a mystery to Joey, but he knew that without Mokubas help, he would've never gotten that jobb. He got ready and got out of his apartment. He locked it up and then went his way to work. It wasn't that far from where he lived. He didn't need transportation in order to get to work so he was thankful he could save some extra cash on walking.

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