The beginning...

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"Veronica Rory?" I heard a voice ask. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Veronica Rory. Yes Rory as in Mick Rory. That's probably the first name you think of when you hear Rory. Mick Rory is my brother. My younger brother. After my parents died, I was in charge of my 16 year old brother. Lucky for him I was 19 when they died, so he didn't have to go to foster care. I was always there for him, keeping the promise I made with my mom when I was 3. Her words are as clear as day in my head. 'Take care of Mick. No matter what, take care of that little boy. He needs you. I can feel it.' And so I did. I bailed him out of prison whenever I could afford it. However, being an auto mechanic doesn't pay well. I'm 27 now. I work with my best friend Jefferson Jackson at an auto mechanic shop in Central City. My brother is an infamous criminal.

"What did my brother do now?" I asked them.

"That's just the thing ma'am he's missing."

"Excuse me?"

"A few of our officers were chasing him last week, but he and Leonard Snart disappeared. Along with the disappearance of Jefferson Jackson, we would like to ask you a few questions."

"Jefferson Jackson isn't missing. He went to Pittsburg with Professor Martin Stein. He told me they would be back in a few weeks."

"Actually ma'am, he hasn't been seen in a week. Do you think that you could come with us?"



Five months later

I was closing up the shop when I saw Mick outside. I immediately ran out and pushed him.

"Where have you been for five months? The cops literally thought I murdered you. Where were you?"

"I can't tell you."

"Of course you can't. Where's Lenny?"


"What the hell happened?"

"Look, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. And I can't stay either."

"Of course you can't. Where to? Aruba? Off to rob another bank? My brother and my best friend went missing and no one was there for me. Just go Mick. I don't ever want to see you again." He looked down and walked away to a strange British man. Mick knew how to shake a tail, but I knew better than him. I followed him from a distance until they stopped at a large lot. I saw two people fly away like birds and a huge ship before I decided to approach them.

"What the fuck is going on Mick?"

"Ronica, you gotta get out of here."

"Is this where you've been for the last five months?" I looked around and saw Jax and Stein. "You two Jax? Your mom and I have been looking for you everywhere."

"Hey, in my defense grey roofied me and kidnapped me." He pointed to Stein.

"Oh that makes it so much better. You guys left me with nobody."

"But you could be with them again." The weird British man said.

"Sorry, who the hell are you?"

"Rip Hunter. I've heard all about you Miss Rory. I know your abilities. We could use you out there."

"Where's out there?"

"In history. We are fixing aberrations throughout history. Oh, sorry I'm-"

"Ray Palmer. Yeah, I've seen the news in the last two years, aren't you supposed to be dead?"

"Long story." He looked at his feet.

"And what the hell are aberrations?"

"Things that have screwed up history essentially." Sara Lance said to me.

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