Jungkook after watching a bollywood movie..
JK : *gets shitface drunk*
JM : Jungkook why did you drink so much ?! *angry plus concerned*
JK : *words are coming out slurry* wHy ? ThEre'S nO pRoBlem wiTh DriNkinG~
JM : *sigh*
JK : *supports his face with his hands*
*Looks at JM dreamily* SojU aNd you arE alMost tHe sAme~ SoJu gOes doWn thRough tHroat and intoxicates hEad ~ And you......aTtack mY heartEu firSt then.....*passes out on top of JM's chest*JM : *gets flustered at first then cries out when he realised he has to drag this muscle pig home* I'm never letting him drink again T_T
Guess the name of the movie Jungkook saw
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞