I Want You

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Zane wasn't exactly sure what was causing his headache. The loud beat throbbing around the lavish penthouse, or the fact that he was already on his second beer. He was rather a lightweight when it came to drinking, considering that he didn't weigh much and hadn't eaten a proper meal throughout the entire day; obviously he'd be a little tipsy, which he was. Normally he would've never indulged himself in a party like this, but this wasn't just a stupid college party; but a celebration. Zane and the crew had just finished their last day filming, and were now expecting to see their film premiering next month once the editing and special effects had been added. This film had been particularly special to Zane, as it had been the first movie where he played a leading role.

He had worked hard to achieve any form of recognition in the movie industry, playing simple extras for the first two years before being able to gain minor roles. Luckily, one of the producers in his last film had taken a liking to Zanes acting and had personally provided him with a letter of recommendation. He still wasn't sure how to feel about this, especially since he had wanted to climb his way to the top due to his work and acting skills, not from someone else's favour. Either way, he was taking what he could get. He still couldn't believe that he had grown so popular, but he tried not to let it get to his head. It just felt so shocking. The majority of his life was spent as a no-one, an outcast who was constantly mocked and ridiculed; now he found himself being praised to no end. To put it simply, it felt strange. Had he known that his co-star, who was not his love interest, but also his High school bully; he might've not accepted the role so eagerly. It was difficult to act as someone who simply adored their love interests, especially if he kept remembering the antipathy they felt towards one another.

Although this party was supposed to be more on the fancy and sophisticated side, it leaned more to the wild party category. Booze and red cups littered the floor and any form of table or perched surface, people grinding against one another, while the more shy ones simply undressed others with their gazes. This felt like a college party, and he hated it. Zane made his way through the suite, making his way down hallways and taking random turns, finally finding a flight of stares and making his way towards the second floor. The further he got from the music, the more he could hear. The soft patter of his footsteps following him, as the second floor appeared rather abandoned. His eyes caught the sight of a glass sliding door, fortunately leading towards a balcony.

He slowly slide the door open, closing it behind him. The wind made his hair dance as the breeze blew at him, the coolness to the night making the atmosphere feel refreshing. He walked towards the railing, crossing his arms and letting his forearms rest against the metal. He inhaled, closing his eyes and savouring the serenity of the moment.

The moment would've been perfect. If only the soft sound of something dropping, and the rubbing of a shoe didn't alert and ruin his moment. He glanced to his side, noticing his infamous co-star, Gene, who was stomping out the blaze of his cigarette.

"I told you to stop smoking that crap." Zane muttered, the disapproval and distaste he carried for such a self-distrust habit evident in his tone. "And I told you that I can't" Gene retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he moved towards Zane and leaned against the railing. Although light blue eyes were focused on the cityscape, darker ones were glued to a much prettier sight. A small chuckle escaped the smaller actor, his gaze now turned to Genes. "You're incorrigible."

Gene smirked, shaking his head in a playful manner. "Really? I hadn't noticed." He chuckled, glancing at the night sky and the lights from traffic beneath them. "Well, now you do." Zane mumbled bluntly, the alcohol clouding his sense in a minimal, but still present way. "There's a party downstairs; how come you aren't there?" Zane asked, glancing at Gene. He only got a shrug in response, much to his annoyance. "Don't know, just didn't feel like it today." Gene mumbled, the sudden urge to drink or smoke another cigarette creeping up on him. It was an unhealthy way of coping with his problems, but an effective one; even if his bliss only lasted a few minutes. "You're not in the mood?" Zane repeated, "You feelin' sick?" He exaggerated, not really taking the time to inspect the older actor.

"You make me sound like a teenager, I'm not that into parties anymore y'know. I just don't feel like celebrating." He stated with a long sigh, and perhaps if Zanes senses would've been sharper, he would've been able to detect the melancholic tone it carried. "Hmm." Zane shrugged, his attention clearly elsewhere. "Why?" He finally asked, letting the breeze cool his skin. "Too upset that we won't be able to kiss on camera anymore?" He teased, letting out a short lived laughed, being cut up by a stern, "Yes."

"What?" Zane questioned, now fully looking over at Gene. "I mean, not the whole camera part, obviously." He muttered, letting out a small string of curses. "I mean, won't you miss this? We spent so much time together, the hours we spent rehearsing lines, crashing at each other's places—we even kissed." Gene ranted, but Zane could filter out the desperation Gene carried in his tone. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, his cheeks tinting a light pink. "Once! We kissed once outside of the script, why do you keep brining that up?—" "Because I liked it. And don't call it just a kiss, you're acting like I wasn't the one who taught you how to kiss. It took a lot more than just one kiss for you to get it right." He corrected, which earned him a swift punch to the arm. "Hey!" Gene argued, frowning as he looked up to meet the gaze of a very flustered Zane. "I was intoxicated!" Zane argued, trying to defend himself. "Really? You drank less than you did today, and Oh' look at that; your pants are still on." He teased, his signature smirk giving his teasing a but of wickedness as he laughed.

Zane huffed in annoyance, now keeping his eyes on the city; not to admire the view but to avoid Gene. Mainly because he didn't like what he was saying, and perhaps because he was right. The two had carried sexual tension with each other since they started filming, one thing happened after the another; and for once he had just given in. To everything, his wants, his desires, his needs for affection. He would have done it that night too, but Gene wouldn't have it. Claiming that he should be sober first. He sighed, brushing his hand through his hair. "So what? Perhaps we made out a little—thats it though." He grumbled, turning around and letting his elbows rest on the railing behind him now instead. Gene moved in from of him, the proximity between them birthing that consistent tension that always lingered between them. Zanes breath caught in his throat, his eyes now practically glued to the dark cyan ones that always seemed to put him in a trance. "What if it weren't?" Gene whispered, in a husky breathy kinda way. It was the only sign that Zane received that hinted at the fact that Gene was just as affected by their closeness as he was.

"What if this wasn't it, hmm?" He repeated, not letting his intense stare waver. "What if we became something, I mean, you can feel it to, right? This tension, this need between us." Zane didn't answer, mainly because he didn't know what to say. Gene, his High school crush and bully stood in front of him, practically demanding something more between them. "We could be something special." Gene added, his gaze begging Zane to say something, anything. "A relationship needs more then tension to work and be special." Zane finally retorted, now beginning to understand why Gene was so good at his romantic lines. Why they always seemed to sound so genuine, so honest and sincere. Maybe, just maybe, they actually had been.

"I know." Gene whispered, slowly inching closer to Zane. The small brush of Genes warm breath tingled against his lips, his heart beginning to race in a betraying pace. "I'd be your one and only if you let me." Gene's sultry voice whispered, taunting his senses. The small brushing of finger tips against his white blouse caused sparks to tickle him, casting goosebumps against his skin as he shivered at the touch. "You'd be my one and only, you have been for awhile." He mused, those cyan eyes observing him. Searching for a sign of discomfort or disapproval, but he couldn't detect any. Perhaps if Zane was more honest with himself, then he could admit to his own feelings. He had gotten over Gene a long time ago, but seeing him again, as a man who acted so differently. So cheesy yet kind, someone who always seemed to work well with him. It changed things.

"Three words." Gene demanded, his voice still carrying a softness to it that almost felt unusual. "And I'll either be yours forever, or I'll let you go and leave you alone." He offered, an unnerving and borderline anxious feeling taking ahold of the older actor.

Zane knew that even just a little movement would result in their lips brushing together, and a part of him was tempted to do just that. He could just imagine the headlines their relationship would produce, Love at Set! A Movie who's acted Love Became Reality! The hands that brushed against his clothes, the subtle feeling of Gene warm breath against him, and the temptation of a future together was all to much. With closed eyes, and an aching heart, Zane whispered the the words that would seal his fate forever, "I want you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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